Summary: | Charged particle interaction with localized wave packets in a magnetic field is formulated using the canonical perturbation theory and the Lie transform theory. An electrostatic wave packet characterized by a wide range of group and phase velocities as well as spatial extent along and across the magnetic field is considered. The averaged changes in the momentum along the magnetic field, the angular momentum, and the guiding center position for an ensemble of particles due to their interaction with the wave packet are determined analytically. Both resonant and ponderomotive effects are included. For the case of a Gaussian wave packet, closed-form expressions include the dependency of the ensemble averaged particle momenta and guiding center position variations on wave packet parameters and particle initial conditions. These expressions elucidate the physics of the interaction which is markedly different from the well known case of particle interaction with plane waves and are relevant to a variety of applications ranging from space and astrophysical plasmas to laboratory and fusion plasmas, as well as accelerators and microwave devices.