Summary: | Several recent investigations indicate that tube-wave amplitude attenuation in acoustic
full-waveform logs is correlated with permeability in fractured rocks. However, there
are significant differences between predictions based on theoretical models for tubewave
propagation and experimental waveform amplitude data. This investigation reviews
the results of existing theoretical models for tube-wave attenuation in fractured
rock and compares model predictions with acoustic full-waveform data where extensive
independent fracture-permeability data are available from straddle-packer permeability
tests. None of the tube-wave models presented in the literature predicts attenuation
at fracture apertures as small as those producing attenuation in the field; and most
models predict tube-wave reflections, which are rarely measured at frequencies greater
then 5 kHz. Even the unrealistic assumption that all of the tube-wave energy loss is
caused by viscous dissipation in fracture openings does not result in predicted apertures
being as small as those indicated by packer permeability measurements in most
On the basis of these results, it is concluded that plane-fracture models cannot
account for the measured tube-wave attenuation where natural fractures intersect fluidfilled boreholes. However, natural fractures are fundamentally different from plane
parallel passages. This difference appears to explain the small equivalent flow apertures
and lack of reflections associated with fractures in waveform-log data. Permeable
fracture openings modeled as irregular tubes embedded between asperities along the
fracture face are predicted to produce significant tube-wave attenuation when tube
diameters exceed 1.0 cm, but arrays of such tubes conduct fluid flow equivalent to that
through plane fractures less than 2 mm in effective flow aperture. Although the theory
predicts some reflection from simple cylindrical passages, scattering from irregular
distributions of natural fracture openings probably accounts for the infrequency with
which coherent tube-wave reflections occur in field data.