Summary: | We report new simulations of oscillating flow in porous rock. Our goal is to better understand the frequency dependence of pore-scale fluid motion, which should ultimately
help us to interpret attenuation and electroseismic measurements.
We use a lattice gas cellular automaton (Rothman and Zaleski, 1997) to perform the
calculations in a pore space geometry measured from Fontainebleau sandstone by X-ray
microtomography (Spanne et al., 1994; Auzerais et al., 1996). We chose this method
because it is fast and efficient in the complex geometry of the porous rock. We show
that the Biot critical frequency (Biot, 1956) is accessible to simulation, and we perform
simulations at a range of frequencies around the critical frequency. In addition, we show
that the dynamical properties of the lattice gas fluid can be mapped onto reasonable
real fluids.
As the frequency varies through the critical range, we observe qualitative and quantitative changes in the amplitude and phase of fluid velocity distributions. We also
report preliminary calculations of the local viscous dissipation, which should provide a
means to compare our simulations with existing theories of attenuation (e.g., Johnston
et al., 1979; Dvorkin and Nur, 1993; Akbar et al., 1994).