Summary: | This LAI Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT) Version 2.0 was developed at the Lean Advancement Initiative (LAI) at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) to assist in the enterprise transformation process by providing a structured tool and reference for enterprise
LESAT 2.0 uses elements of the LAI Enterprise Transformation Roadmap and LAI LESAT 1.0 as sources of information to provide a structure
and implementation reference for the self-assessment process. LESAT 1.0, 2.0, and the Enterprise Transformation Roadmap were developed at
MIT by the Lean Advancement Initiative (LAI).
LESAT 2.0 builds upon LESAT Version 1.0, which was developed jointly by MIT and the Warwick Manufacturing Group of the University of
Warwick under the auspices of the U.K. and U.S. Lean Aerospace Initiatives. LESAT Version 2.0 is based on cumulative LAI knowledge gained
through years of enterprise-level research, researcher facilitation experience, and LAI member experience in using LESAT Version 1.0.