Bottomonium spectroscopy and radiative transitions involving the χ[subscript bJ](1P,2P) states at BaBar

We use (121 ± 1) million Υ(3S) and (98 ± 1) million Υ(2S) mesons recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e[superscript +]e[superscript -] collider at SLAC to perform a study of radiative transitions involving the χ[subscript bJ](1P,2P) states in exclusive decays with μ[superscript +]μ[superscri...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Lees, J. P., Poireau, V., Tisserand, V., Grauges, E., Palano, A., Eigen, G., Stugu, B., Brown, D. N., Kerth, L. T., Kolomensky, Yu. G., Lee, M. J., Lynch, G., Koch, H., Schroeder, T., Hearty, C., Mattison, T. S., McKenna, J. A., So, R. Y., Khan, A., Blinov, V. E., Buzykaev, A. R., Druzhinin, V. P., Golubev, V. B., Kravchenko, E. A., Onuchin, A. P., Serednyakov, S. I., Skovpen, Yu. I., Solodov, E. P., Todyshev, K. Yu., Lankford, A. J., Mandelkern, M., Dey, B., Gary, J. W., Long, O., Campagnari, C., Franco Sevilla, M., Hong, T. M., Kovalskyi, Dmytro, Richman, J. D., West, C. A., Eisner, A. M., Lockman, W. S., Panduro Vazquez, W., Schumm, B. A., Seiden, A., Chao, D. S., Cheng, C. H., Echenard, B., Flood, K. T., Hitlin, D. G., Miyashita, T. S., Ongmongkolkul, P., Porter, F. C., Roehrken, M., Andreassen, R., Huard, Z., Meadows, B. T., Pushpawela, B. G., Sokoloff, M. D., Sun, L., Bloom, P. C., Ford, W. T., Gaz, A., Smith, J. G., Wagner, S. R., Ayad, R., Toki, W. H., Spaan, B., Bernard, D., Verderi, M., Playfer, S., Bettoni, D., Bozzi, C., Calabrese, R., Cibinetto, G., Fioravanti, E., Garzia, I., Luppi, E., Piemontese, L., Santoro, V., Calcaterra, A., de Sangro, R., Finocchiaro, G., Martellotti, S., Patteri, P., Peruzzi, I. M., Piccolo, M., Rama, M., Zallo, A., Contri, R., Lo Vetere, M., Monge, M. R., Passaggio, S., Patrignani, C., Robutti, E., Bhuyan, B., Prasad, V., Adametz, A., Uwer, U., Lacker, H. M., Dauncey, P., Mallik, U., Chen, C., Cochran, J., Prell, S., Ahmed, H., Gritsan, A. V., Arnaud, N., Davier, M., Derkach, D., Grosdidier, G., Le Diberder, F., Lutz, A. M., Malaescu, B., Roudeau, P., Stocchi, A., Wormser, G., Lange, D. J., Wright, D. M., Coleman, J. P., Fry, J. R., Gabathuler, E., Hutchcroft, D. E., Payne, D. J., Touramanis, C., Bevan, A. J., Di Lodovico, F., Sacco, R., Cowan, G., Bougher, J., Davis, C. L., Denig, A. G., Fritsch, M., Gradl, W., Griessinger, K., Hafner, A., Schubert, K. R., Barlow, R. J., Lafferty, G. D., Cenci, R., Hamilton, B., Jawahery, A., Roberts, D. A., Cheaib, R., Patel, P. M., Robertson, S. H., Neri, N., Palombo, F., Cremaldi, L., Godang, R., Sonnek, P., Summers, D. J., Simard, M., Taras, P., De Nardo, G., Onorato, G., Sciacca, C., Martinelli, M., Raven, G., Jessop, C. P., LoSecco, J. M., Honscheid, K., Kass, R., Feltresi, E., Margoni, M., Morandin, M., Posocco, M., Rotondo, M., Simi, G., Simonetto, F., Stroili, R., Akar, S., Ben-Haim, E., Bomben, M., Bonneaud, G. R., Briand, H., Calderini, G., Chauveau, J., Leruste, Ph., Marchiori, G., Ocariz, J., Biasini, M., Manoni, E., Pacetti, S., Rossi, A., Angelini, C., Batignani, G., Bettarini, S., Carpinelli, M., Casarosa, G., Cervelli, A., Chrzaszcz, M., Forti, F., Giorgi, M. A., Lusiani, A., Oberhof, B., Paoloni, E., Perez, A., Rizzo, G., Walsh, J. J., Lopes Pegna, D., Olsen, J., Smith, A. J. S., Faccini, R., Ferrarotto, F., Ferroni, F., Gaspero, M., Li Gioi, L., Pilloni, A., Piredda, G., Bünger, C., Dittrich, S., Grünberg, O., Hess, M., Leddig, T., Voß, C., Waldi, R., Adye, T., Olaiya, E. O., Wilson, F. F., Emery, S., Vasseur, G., Anulli, F., Aston, D., Bard, D. J., Cartaro, C., Convery, M. R., Dorfan, J., Dubois-Felsmann, G. P., Dunwoodie, W., Ebert, M., Field, R. C., Fulsom, B. G., Graham, M. T., Hast, C., Innes, W. R., Kim, P., Leith, D. W. G. S., Lewis, P., Lindemann, D., Luitz, S., Luth, V., Lynch, H. L., MacFarlane, D. B., Muller, D. R., Neal, H., Perl, M., Pulliam, T., Ratcliff, B. N., Roodman, A., Salnikov, A. A., Schindler, R. H., Snyder, A., Su, D., Sullivan, M. K., Va’vra, J., Wisniewski, W. J., Wulsin, H. W., Purohit, M. V., White, R. M., Wilson, J. R., Randle-Conde, A., Sekula, S. J., Bellis, M., Burchat, P. R., Puccio, E. M. T., Alam, M. S., Ernst, J. A., Gorodeisky, R., Guttman, N., Peimer, D. R., Soffer, A., Spanier, S. M., Ritchie, J. L., Ruland, A. M., Schwitters, R. F., Wray, B. C., Izen, J. M., Lou, X. C., Bianchi, F., De Mori, F., Filippi, A., Gamba, D., Lanceri, L., Vitale, L., Martinez-Vidal, F., Oyanguren, A., Villanueva-Perez, P., Albert, J., Banerjee, Sw., Beaulieu, A., Bernlochner, F. U., Choi, H. H. F., King, G. J., Kowalewski, R., Lewczuk, M. J., Lueck, T., Nugent, I. M., Roney, J. M., Sobie, R. J., Tasneem, N., Gershon, T. J., Harrison, P. F., Latham, T. E., Band, H. R., Dasu, S., Pan, Y., Prepost, R., Wu, S. L., Sciolla, Gabriella, Cowan, Ray F
Other Authors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Format: Article
Published: American Physical Society 2015
Online Access:
Summary:We use (121 ± 1) million Υ(3S) and (98 ± 1) million Υ(2S) mesons recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e[superscript +]e[superscript -] collider at SLAC to perform a study of radiative transitions involving the χ[subscript bJ](1P,2P) states in exclusive decays with μ[superscript +]μ[superscript -]γγ final states. We reconstruct twelve channels in four cascades using two complementary methods. In the first we identify both signal photon candidates in the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC), employ a calorimeter timing-based technique to reduce backgrounds, and determine branching-ratio products and fine mass splittings. These results include the best observational significance yet for the χ[subscript b0](2P) → γΥ(2S) and χ[subscript b0](1P) → γΥ(1S) transitions. In the second method, we identify one photon candidate in the EMC and one which has converted into an e[superscript +]e[superscript -] pair due to interaction with detector material, and we measure absolute product branching fractions. This method is particularly useful for measuring Υ(3S) → γχ[subscript b1,2](1P) decays. Additionally, we provide the most up-to-date derived branching fractions, matrix elements and mass splittings for χ[subscript b] transitions in the bottomonium system. Using a new technique, we also measure the two lowest-order spin-dependent coefficients in the nonrelativistic QCD Hamiltonian.