Summary: | An immersion of a graph H into a graph G is a one-to-one mapping f: V (H) → V (G) and a collection of edge-disjoint paths in G, one for each edge of H, such that the path P [subscript uv] corresponding to edge uv has endpoints f(u) and f(v). The immersion is strong if the paths P [subscript uv] are internally disjoint from f(V (H)). It is proved that for every positive integer Ht, every simple graph of minimum degree at least 200t contains a strong immersion of the complete graph K [subscript t]. For dense graphs one can say even more. If the graph has order n and has 2cn [superscript 2] edges, then there is a strong immersion of the complete graph on at least c [superscript 2] n vertices in G in which each path P [subscript uv] is of length 2. As an application of these results, we resolve a problem raised by Paul Seymour by proving that the line graph of every simple graph with average degree d has a clique minor of order at least cd [superscript 3/2], where c>0 is an absolute constant.
For small values of t, 1≤t≤7, every simple graph of minimum degree at least t−1 contains an immersion of K [subscript t] (Lescure and Meyniel [13], DeVos et al. [6]). We provide a general class of examples showing that this does not hold when t is large.