Summary: | In this paper we address the problem of widearea
control of power systems in presence of different classes
of network delays. We pose the control objective as an LQR
minimization of the electro-mechanical states of the swing
equations, and exploit flexibilities and transparencies of the
communication network such as scheduling policies, bandwidth
to co-design a delay-aware state feedback control law. Hence,
unlike the traditional robust control designs, our design is delayaware,
not delay-tolerant. A key feature of our method is to
retain the samples of the control input until a desired time
instant using shapers before releasing them for actuation to
regulate the delays entering the controller. In addition, our codesign
includes an overrun management strategy to guarantee
stability of the closed-loop power system model in case of
occasional PMU data losses. This strategy allows dropping
messages with very large delays, reducing resource utilization
during busy network times, and improving overall performance
of the system. We illustrate our results using a 50-bus, 14-
generator, 4-area power system model, and show how the proposed
arbitrated controller can guarantee significantly better
closed-loop performance than traditional robust controllers.