First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region

Top quark production in the forward region in proton-proton collisions is observed for the first time. The W + b final state with W → μν is reconstructed using muons with a transverse momentum, p[subscript T], larger than 25 GeV in the pseudorapidity range 2.0 < η < 4.5. The b jets are require...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Aaij, R., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Affolder, A., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., Albrecht, J., Alessio, F., Alexander, M., Ali, S., Alkhazov, G., Alvarez Cartelle, P., Alves, A. A., Amato, S., Amerio, S., Amhis, Y., An, L., Anderlini, L., Anderson, J., Andreotti, M., Andrews, J. E., Appleby, R. B., Aquines Gutierrez, O., Archilli, F., d’Argent, P., Artamonov, A., Artuso, M., Aslanides, E., Auriemma, G., Baalouch, M., Bachmann, S., Back, J. J., Badalov, A., Baesso, C., Baldini, W., Barlow, R. J., Barschel, C., Barsuk, S., Barter, W., Batozskaya, V., Battista, V., Bay, A., Beaucourt, L., Beddow, J., Bedeschi, F., Bediaga, I., Bel, L. J., Belyaev, I., Ben-Haim, E., Bencivenni, G., Benson, S., Benton, J., Berezhnoy, A., Bernet, R., Bertolin, A., Bettler, M.-O., van Beuzekom, M., Bien, A., Bifani, S., Bird, T., Birnkraut, A., Bizzeti, A., Blake, T., Blanc, F., Blouw, J., Blusk, S., Bocci, V., Bondar, A., Bondar, N., Bonivento, W., Borghi, S., Borsato, M., Bowcock, T. J. V., Bowen, E., Bozzi, C., Braun, S., Brett, D., Britsch, M., Britton, T., Brodzicka, J., Brook, N. H., Bursche, A., Buytaert, J., Cadeddu, S., Calabrese, R., Calvi, M., Calvo Gomez, M., Campana, P., Campora Perez, D., Capriotti, L., Carbone, A., Carboni, G., Cardinale, R., Cardini, A., Carniti, P., Carson, L., Carvalho Akiba, K., Casse, G., Cassina, L., Castillo Garcia, L., Cattaneo, M., Cauet, Ch., Cavallero, G., Cenci, R., Charles, M., Charpentier, Ph., Chefdeville, M., Chen, S., Cheung, S.-F., Chiapolini, N., Chrzaszcz, M., Cid Vidal, X., Ciezarek, G., Clarke, P. E. L., Clemencic, M., Cliff, H. V., Closier, J., Coco, V., Cogan, J., Cogneras, E., Cogoni, V., Cojocariu, L., Collazuol, G., Collins, P., Comerma-Montells, A., Contu, A., Cook, A., Coombes, M., Coquereau, S., Corti, G., Corvo, M., Couturier, B., Cowan, G. A., Craik, D. C., Crocombe, A., Cruz Torres, M., Cunliffe, S., Currie, R., D’Ambrosio, C., Dalseno, J., David, P. N. Y., Davis, A., De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Cian, M., De Miranda, J. M., De Paula, L., De Silva, W., De Simone, P., Dean, C.-T., Decamp, D., Deckenhoff, M., Del Buono, L., Déléage, N., Demmer, M., Derkach, D., Deschamps, O., Dettori, F., Di Canto, A., Di Ruscio, F., Dijkstra, H., Donleavy, S., Dordei, F., Dorigo, M., Dosil Suárez, A., Dossett, D., Dovbnya, A., Dreimanis, K., Dufour, L., Dujany, G., Dupertuis, F., Durante, P., Dzhelyadin, R., Dziurda, A., Dzyuba, A., Easo, S., Egede, U., Egorychev, V., Eidelman, S., Eisenhardt, S., Eitschberger, U., Ekelhof, R., Eklund, L., El Rifai, I., Elsasser, Ch., Ely, S., Esen, S., Evans, H. M., Evans, T., Falabella, A., Färber, C., Farinelli, C., Farley, N., Farry, S., Fay, R., Ferguson, D., Fernandez Albor, V., Ferrari, F., Ferreira Rodrigues, F., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Filippov, S., Fiore, M., Fiorini, M., Firlej, M., Fitzpatrick, C., Fiutowski, T., Fohl, K., Fol, P., Fontana, M., Fontanelli, F., Forty, R., Francisco, O., Frank, M., Frei, C., Frosini, M., Fu, J., Furfaro, E., Gallas Torreira, A., Galli, D., Gallorini, S., Gambetta, S., Gandelman, M., Gandini, P., Gao, Y., García Pardiñas, J., Garofoli, J., Garra Tico, J., Garrido, L., Gascon, D., Gaspar, C., Gastaldi, U., Gauld, R., Gavardi, L., Gazzoni, G., Geraci, A., Gerick, D., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Ghez, Ph., Gianelle, A., Gianì, S., Gibson, V., Girard, O. G., Giubega, L., Gligorov, V. V., Göbel, C., Golubkov, D., Golutvin, A., Gomes, A., Gotti, C., Grabalosa Gándara, M., Graciani Diaz, R., Granado Cardoso, L. A., Graugés, E., Graverini, E., Graziani, G., Grecu, A., Greening, E., Gregson, S., Griffith, P., Grillo, L., Grünberg, O., Gui, B., Gushchin, E., Guz, Yu., Gys, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Hadjivasiliou, C., Haefeli, G., Haen, C., Haines, S. C., Hall, S., Hamilton, B., Hampson, T., Han, X., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Harnew, N., Harnew, S. T., Harrison, J., He, J., Head, T., Heijne, V., Hennessy, K., Henrard, P., Henry, L., Hernando Morata, J. A., van Herwijnen, E., Heß, M., Hicheur, A., Hill, D., Hoballah, M., Hombach, C., Hulsbergen, W., Humair, T., Hussain, N., Hutchcroft, D., Hynds, D., Idzik, M., Jacobsson, R., Jaeger, A., Jalocha, J., Jans, E., Jawahery, A., Jing, F., John, M., Johnson, D., Jones, C. R., Joram, C., Jost, B., Jurik, N., Kandybei, S., Kanso, W., Karacson, M., Karbach, T. M., Karodia, S., Kelsey, M., Kenyon, I. R., Kenzie, M., Ketel, T., Khanji, B., Khurewathanakul, C., Klaver, S., Klimaszewski, K., Kochebina, O., Kolpin, M., Komarov, I., Koopman, R. F., Koppenburg, P., Korolev, M., Kozeiha, M., Kravchuk, L., Kreplin, K., Kreps, M., Krocker, G., Krokovny, P., Kruse, F., Kucewicz, W., Kucharczyk, M., Kudryavtsev, V., Kuonen, A. K., Kurek, K., Kvaratskheliya, T., La Thi, V. N., Lacarrere, D., Lafferty, G., Lai, A., Lambert, D., Lambert, R. W., Lanfranchi, G., Langenbruch, C., Langhans, B., Latham, T., Lazzeroni, C., Le Gac, R., van Leerdam, J., Lees, J.-P., Lefèvre, R., Leflat, A., Lefrançois, J., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Leverington, B., Li, Y., Likhomanenko, T., Liles, M., Lindner, R., Linn, C., Lionetto, F., Liu, B., Liu, X., Loh, D., Lohn, S., Longstaff, I., Lopes, J. H., Lucchesi, D., Lucio Martinez, M., Luo, H., Lupato, A., Luppi, E., Lupton, O., Machefert, F., Maciuc, F., Maev, O., Maguire, K., Malde, S., Malinin, A., Manca, G., Mancinelli, G., Manning, P., Mapelli, A., Maratas, J., Marchand, J. F., Marconi, U., Marin Benito, C., Marino, P., Märki, R., Marks, J., Martellotti, G., Martin, M., Martinelli, M., Martinez Santos, D., Martinez Vidal, F., Martins Tostes, D., Massafferri, A., Matev, R., Mathad, A., Mathe, Z., Matteuzzi, C., Matthieu, K., Mauri, A., Maurin, B., Mazurov, A., McCann, M., McCarthy, J., McNab, A., McNulty, R., Meadows, B., Meier, F., Meissner, M., Melnychuk, D., Merk, M., Milanes, D. A., Minard, M.-N., Mitzel, D. S., Molina Rodriguez, J., Monteil, S., Morandin, M., Morawski, P., Mordà, A., Morello, M. J., Moron, J., Morris, A. B., Mountain, R., Muheim, F., Müller, J., Müller, K., Müller, V., Mussini, M., Muster, B., Naik, P., Nakada, T., Nandakumar, R., Nandi, A., Nasteva, I., Needham, M., Neri, N., Neubert, S., Neufeld, N., Neuner, M., Nguyen, A. D., Nguyen, T. D., Nguyen-Mau, C., Niess, V., Niet, R., Nikitin, N., Nikodem, T., Ninci, D., Novoselov, A., O’Hanlon, D. P., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Ogilvy, S., Okhrimenko, O., Oldeman, R., Onderwater, C. J. G., Osorio Rodrigues, B., Otalora Goicochea, J. M., Otto, A., Owen, P., Oyanguren, A., Palano, A., Palombo, F., Palutan, M., Panman, J., Papanestis, A., Pappagallo, M., Pappalardo, L. L., Pappenheimer, C., Parkes, C., Passaleva, G., Patel, G. D., Patel, M., Patrignani, C., Pearce, A., Pellegrino, A., Penso, G., Pepe Altarelli, M., Perazzini, S., Perret, P., Pescatore, L., Petridis, K., Petrolini, A., Petruzzo, M., Picatoste Olloqui, E., Pietrzyk, B., Pilař, T., Pinci, D., Pistone, A., Piucci, A., Playfer, S., Plo Casasus, M., Poikela, T., Polci, F., Poluektov, A., Polyakov, I., Polycarpo, E., Popov, A., Popov, D., Popovici, B., Potterat, C., Price, E., Price, J. D., Prisciandaro, J., Pritchard, A., Prouve, C., Pugatch, V., Puig Navarro, A., Punzi, G., Qian, W., Quagliani, R., Rachwal, B., Rademacker, J. H., Rakotomiaramanana, B., Rama, M., Rangel, M. S., Raniuk, I., Rauschmayr, N., Raven, G., Redi, F., Reichert, S., Reid, M. M., dos Reis, A. C., Ricciardi, S., Richards, S., Rihl, M., Rinnert, K., Rives Molina, V., Robbe, P., Rodrigues, A. B., Rodrigues, E., Rodriguez Lopez, J. A., Rodriguez Perez, P., Roiser, S., Romanovsky, V., Romero Vidal, A., Ronayne, J. W., Rotondo, M., Rouvinet, J., Ruf, T., Ruiz, H., Ruiz Valls, P., Saborido Silva, J. J., Sagidova, N., Sail, P., Saitta, B., Salustino Guimaraes, V., Sanchez Mayordomo, C., Sanmartin Sedes, B., Santacesaria, R., Santamarina Rios, C., Santimaria, M., Santovetti, E., Sarti, A., Satriano, C., Satta, A., Saunders, D. M., Savrina, D., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Schlupp, M., Schmelling, M., Schmelzer, T., Schmidt, B., Schneider, O., Schopper, A., Schubiger, M., Schune, M.-H., Schwemmer, R., Sciascia, B., Sciubba, A., Semennikov, A., Sepp, I., Serra, N., Serrano, J., Sestini, L., Seyfert, P., Shapkin, M., Shapoval, I., Shcheglov, Y., Shears, T., Shekhtman, L., Shevchenko, V., Shires, A., Silva Coutinho, R., Simi, G., Sirendi, M., Skidmore, N., Skillicorn, I., Skwarnicki, T., Smith, E., Smith, I. T., Smith, J., Smith, M., Snoek, H., Sokoloff, M. D., Soler, F. J. P., Souza, D., Souza De Paula, B., Spaan, B., Spradlin, P., Sridharan, S., Stagni, F., Stahl, M., Stahl, S., Steinkamp, O., Stenyakin, O., Sterpka, F., Stevenson, S., Stoica, S., Stone, S., Storaci, B., Stracka, S., Straticiuc, M., Straumann, U., Sun, L., Sutcliffe, W., Swientek, K., Swientek, S., Syropoulos, V., Szczekowski, M., Szczypka, P., Szumlak, T., T’Jampens, S., Tekampe, T., Teklishyn, M., Tellarini, G., Teubert, F., Thomas, C., Thomas, E., van Tilburg, J., Tisserand, V., Tobin, M., Todd, J., Tolk, S., Tomassetti, L., Tonelli, D., Topp-Joergensen, S., Torr, N., Tournefier, E., Tourneur, S., Trabelsi, K., Tran, M. T., Tresch, M., Trisovic, A., Tsaregorodtsev, A., Tsopelas, P., Tuning, N., Ukleja, A., Ustyuzhanin, A., Uwer, U., Vacca, C., Vagnoni, V., Valenti, G., Vallier, A., Vazquez Gomez, R., Vazquez Regueiro, P., Vázquez Sierra, C., Vecchi, S., Velthuis, J. J., Veltri, M., Veneziano, G., Vesterinen, M., Viaud, B., Vieira, D., Vieites Diaz, M., Vilasis-Cardona, X., Vollhardt, A., Volyanskyy, D., Voong, D., Vorobyev, A., Vorobyev, V., Voß, C., de Vries, J. A., Waldi, R., Wallace, C., Wallace, R., Walsh, J., Wandernoth, S., Wang, J., Ward, D. R., Watson, N. K., Websdale, D., Weiden, A., Whitehead, M., Wiedner, D., Wilkinson, G., Wilkinson, M., Williams, M., Williams, M. P., Williams, T., Wilson, F. F., Wimberley, J., Wishahi, J., Wislicki, W., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Wotton, S. A., Wright, S., Wyllie, K., Xie, Y., Xu, Z., Yang, Z., Yu, J., Yuan, X., Yushchenko, O., Zangoli, M., Zavertyaev, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Zhelezov, A., Zhokhov, A., Zhong, L., Williams, Michael, Ilten, Philip J
Other Authors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Format: Article
Published: American Physical Society 2015
Online Access:
_version_ 1826198337395621888
author Aaij, R.
Adeva, B.
Adinolfi, M.
Affolder, A.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Akar, S.
Albrecht, J.
Alessio, F.
Alexander, M.
Ali, S.
Alkhazov, G.
Alvarez Cartelle, P.
Alves, A. A.
Amato, S.
Amerio, S.
Amhis, Y.
An, L.
Anderlini, L.
Anderson, J.
Andreotti, M.
Andrews, J. E.
Appleby, R. B.
Aquines Gutierrez, O.
Archilli, F.
d’Argent, P.
Artamonov, A.
Artuso, M.
Aslanides, E.
Auriemma, G.
Baalouch, M.
Bachmann, S.
Back, J. J.
Badalov, A.
Baesso, C.
Baldini, W.
Barlow, R. J.
Barschel, C.
Barsuk, S.
Barter, W.
Batozskaya, V.
Battista, V.
Bay, A.
Beaucourt, L.
Beddow, J.
Bedeschi, F.
Bediaga, I.
Bel, L. J.
Belyaev, I.
Ben-Haim, E.
Bencivenni, G.
Benson, S.
Benton, J.
Berezhnoy, A.
Bernet, R.
Bertolin, A.
Bettler, M.-O.
van Beuzekom, M.
Bien, A.
Bifani, S.
Bird, T.
Birnkraut, A.
Bizzeti, A.
Blake, T.
Blanc, F.
Blouw, J.
Blusk, S.
Bocci, V.
Bondar, A.
Bondar, N.
Bonivento, W.
Borghi, S.
Borsato, M.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Bowen, E.
Bozzi, C.
Braun, S.
Brett, D.
Britsch, M.
Britton, T.
Brodzicka, J.
Brook, N. H.
Bursche, A.
Buytaert, J.
Cadeddu, S.
Calabrese, R.
Calvi, M.
Calvo Gomez, M.
Campana, P.
Campora Perez, D.
Capriotti, L.
Carbone, A.
Carboni, G.
Cardinale, R.
Cardini, A.
Carniti, P.
Carson, L.
Carvalho Akiba, K.
Casse, G.
Cassina, L.
Castillo Garcia, L.
Cattaneo, M.
Cauet, Ch.
Cavallero, G.
Cenci, R.
Charles, M.
Charpentier, Ph.
Chefdeville, M.
Chen, S.
Cheung, S.-F.
Chiapolini, N.
Chrzaszcz, M.
Cid Vidal, X.
Ciezarek, G.
Clarke, P. E. L.
Clemencic, M.
Cliff, H. V.
Closier, J.
Coco, V.
Cogan, J.
Cogneras, E.
Cogoni, V.
Cojocariu, L.
Collazuol, G.
Collins, P.
Comerma-Montells, A.
Contu, A.
Cook, A.
Coombes, M.
Coquereau, S.
Corti, G.
Corvo, M.
Couturier, B.
Cowan, G. A.
Craik, D. C.
Crocombe, A.
Cruz Torres, M.
Cunliffe, S.
Currie, R.
D’Ambrosio, C.
Dalseno, J.
David, P. N. Y.
Davis, A.
De Bruyn, K.
De Capua, S.
De Cian, M.
De Miranda, J. M.
De Paula, L.
De Silva, W.
De Simone, P.
Dean, C.-T.
Decamp, D.
Deckenhoff, M.
Del Buono, L.
Déléage, N.
Demmer, M.
Derkach, D.
Deschamps, O.
Dettori, F.
Di Canto, A.
Di Ruscio, F.
Dijkstra, H.
Donleavy, S.
Dordei, F.
Dorigo, M.
Dosil Suárez, A.
Dossett, D.
Dovbnya, A.
Dreimanis, K.
Dufour, L.
Dujany, G.
Dupertuis, F.
Durante, P.
Dzhelyadin, R.
Dziurda, A.
Dzyuba, A.
Easo, S.
Egede, U.
Egorychev, V.
Eidelman, S.
Eisenhardt, S.
Eitschberger, U.
Ekelhof, R.
Eklund, L.
El Rifai, I.
Elsasser, Ch.
Ely, S.
Esen, S.
Evans, H. M.
Evans, T.
Falabella, A.
Färber, C.
Farinelli, C.
Farley, N.
Farry, S.
Fay, R.
Ferguson, D.
Fernandez Albor, V.
Ferrari, F.
Ferreira Rodrigues, F.
Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Filippov, S.
Fiore, M.
Fiorini, M.
Firlej, M.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Fiutowski, T.
Fohl, K.
Fol, P.
Fontana, M.
Fontanelli, F.
Forty, R.
Francisco, O.
Frank, M.
Frei, C.
Frosini, M.
Fu, J.
Furfaro, E.
Gallas Torreira, A.
Galli, D.
Gallorini, S.
Gambetta, S.
Gandelman, M.
Gandini, P.
Gao, Y.
García Pardiñas, J.
Garofoli, J.
Garra Tico, J.
Garrido, L.
Gascon, D.
Gaspar, C.
Gastaldi, U.
Gauld, R.
Gavardi, L.
Gazzoni, G.
Geraci, A.
Gerick, D.
Gersabeck, E.
Gersabeck, M.
Gershon, T.
Ghez, Ph.
Gianelle, A.
Gianì, S.
Gibson, V.
Girard, O. G.
Giubega, L.
Gligorov, V. V.
Göbel, C.
Golubkov, D.
Golutvin, A.
Gomes, A.
Gotti, C.
Grabalosa Gándara, M.
Graciani Diaz, R.
Granado Cardoso, L. A.
Graugés, E.
Graverini, E.
Graziani, G.
Grecu, A.
Greening, E.
Gregson, S.
Griffith, P.
Grillo, L.
Grünberg, O.
Gui, B.
Gushchin, E.
Guz, Yu.
Gys, T.
Hadavizadeh, T.
Hadjivasiliou, C.
Haefeli, G.
Haen, C.
Haines, S. C.
Hall, S.
Hamilton, B.
Hampson, T.
Han, X.
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harnew, N.
Harnew, S. T.
Harrison, J.
He, J.
Head, T.
Heijne, V.
Hennessy, K.
Henrard, P.
Henry, L.
Hernando Morata, J. A.
van Herwijnen, E.
Heß, M.
Hicheur, A.
Hill, D.
Hoballah, M.
Hombach, C.
Hulsbergen, W.
Humair, T.
Hussain, N.
Hutchcroft, D.
Hynds, D.
Idzik, M.
Jacobsson, R.
Jaeger, A.
Jalocha, J.
Jans, E.
Jawahery, A.
Jing, F.
John, M.
Johnson, D.
Jones, C. R.
Joram, C.
Jost, B.
Jurik, N.
Kandybei, S.
Kanso, W.
Karacson, M.
Karbach, T. M.
Karodia, S.
Kelsey, M.
Kenyon, I. R.
Kenzie, M.
Ketel, T.
Khanji, B.
Khurewathanakul, C.
Klaver, S.
Klimaszewski, K.
Kochebina, O.
Kolpin, M.
Komarov, I.
Koopman, R. F.
Koppenburg, P.
Korolev, M.
Kozeiha, M.
Kravchuk, L.
Kreplin, K.
Kreps, M.
Krocker, G.
Krokovny, P.
Kruse, F.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucharczyk, M.
Kudryavtsev, V.
Kuonen, A. K.
Kurek, K.
Kvaratskheliya, T.
La Thi, V. N.
Lacarrere, D.
Lafferty, G.
Lai, A.
Lambert, D.
Lambert, R. W.
Lanfranchi, G.
Langenbruch, C.
Langhans, B.
Latham, T.
Lazzeroni, C.
Le Gac, R.
van Leerdam, J.
Lees, J.-P.
Lefèvre, R.
Leflat, A.
Lefrançois, J.
Leroy, O.
Lesiak, T.
Leverington, B.
Li, Y.
Likhomanenko, T.
Liles, M.
Lindner, R.
Linn, C.
Lionetto, F.
Liu, B.
Liu, X.
Loh, D.
Lohn, S.
Longstaff, I.
Lopes, J. H.
Lucchesi, D.
Lucio Martinez, M.
Luo, H.
Lupato, A.
Luppi, E.
Lupton, O.
Machefert, F.
Maciuc, F.
Maev, O.
Maguire, K.
Malde, S.
Malinin, A.
Manca, G.
Mancinelli, G.
Manning, P.
Mapelli, A.
Maratas, J.
Marchand, J. F.
Marconi, U.
Marin Benito, C.
Marino, P.
Märki, R.
Marks, J.
Martellotti, G.
Martin, M.
Martinelli, M.
Martinez Santos, D.
Martinez Vidal, F.
Martins Tostes, D.
Massafferri, A.
Matev, R.
Mathad, A.
Mathe, Z.
Matteuzzi, C.
Matthieu, K.
Mauri, A.
Maurin, B.
Mazurov, A.
McCann, M.
McCarthy, J.
McNab, A.
McNulty, R.
Meadows, B.
Meier, F.
Meissner, M.
Melnychuk, D.
Merk, M.
Milanes, D. A.
Minard, M.-N.
Mitzel, D. S.
Molina Rodriguez, J.
Monteil, S.
Morandin, M.
Morawski, P.
Mordà, A.
Morello, M. J.
Moron, J.
Morris, A. B.
Mountain, R.
Muheim, F.
Müller, J.
Müller, K.
Müller, V.
Mussini, M.
Muster, B.
Naik, P.
Nakada, T.
Nandakumar, R.
Nandi, A.
Nasteva, I.
Needham, M.
Neri, N.
Neubert, S.
Neufeld, N.
Neuner, M.
Nguyen, A. D.
Nguyen, T. D.
Nguyen-Mau, C.
Niess, V.
Niet, R.
Nikitin, N.
Nikodem, T.
Ninci, D.
Novoselov, A.
O’Hanlon, D. P.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A.
Obraztsov, V.
Ogilvy, S.
Okhrimenko, O.
Oldeman, R.
Onderwater, C. J. G.
Osorio Rodrigues, B.
Otalora Goicochea, J. M.
Otto, A.
Owen, P.
Oyanguren, A.
Palano, A.
Palombo, F.
Palutan, M.
Panman, J.
Papanestis, A.
Pappagallo, M.
Pappalardo, L. L.
Pappenheimer, C.
Parkes, C.
Passaleva, G.
Patel, G. D.
Patel, M.
Patrignani, C.
Pearce, A.
Pellegrino, A.
Penso, G.
Pepe Altarelli, M.
Perazzini, S.
Perret, P.
Pescatore, L.
Petridis, K.
Petrolini, A.
Petruzzo, M.
Picatoste Olloqui, E.
Pietrzyk, B.
Pilař, T.
Pinci, D.
Pistone, A.
Piucci, A.
Playfer, S.
Plo Casasus, M.
Poikela, T.
Polci, F.
Poluektov, A.
Polyakov, I.
Polycarpo, E.
Popov, A.
Popov, D.
Popovici, B.
Potterat, C.
Price, E.
Price, J. D.
Prisciandaro, J.
Pritchard, A.
Prouve, C.
Pugatch, V.
Puig Navarro, A.
Punzi, G.
Qian, W.
Quagliani, R.
Rachwal, B.
Rademacker, J. H.
Rakotomiaramanana, B.
Rama, M.
Rangel, M. S.
Raniuk, I.
Rauschmayr, N.
Raven, G.
Redi, F.
Reichert, S.
Reid, M. M.
dos Reis, A. C.
Ricciardi, S.
Richards, S.
Rihl, M.
Rinnert, K.
Rives Molina, V.
Robbe, P.
Rodrigues, A. B.
Rodrigues, E.
Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.
Rodriguez Perez, P.
Roiser, S.
Romanovsky, V.
Romero Vidal, A.
Ronayne, J. W.
Rotondo, M.
Rouvinet, J.
Ruf, T.
Ruiz, H.
Ruiz Valls, P.
Saborido Silva, J. J.
Sagidova, N.
Sail, P.
Saitta, B.
Salustino Guimaraes, V.
Sanchez Mayordomo, C.
Sanmartin Sedes, B.
Santacesaria, R.
Santamarina Rios, C.
Santimaria, M.
Santovetti, E.
Sarti, A.
Satriano, C.
Satta, A.
Saunders, D. M.
Savrina, D.
Schiller, M.
Schindler, H.
Schlupp, M.
Schmelling, M.
Schmelzer, T.
Schmidt, B.
Schneider, O.
Schopper, A.
Schubiger, M.
Schune, M.-H.
Schwemmer, R.
Sciascia, B.
Sciubba, A.
Semennikov, A.
Sepp, I.
Serra, N.
Serrano, J.
Sestini, L.
Seyfert, P.
Shapkin, M.
Shapoval, I.
Shcheglov, Y.
Shears, T.
Shekhtman, L.
Shevchenko, V.
Shires, A.
Silva Coutinho, R.
Simi, G.
Sirendi, M.
Skidmore, N.
Skillicorn, I.
Skwarnicki, T.
Smith, E.
Smith, E.
Smith, I. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, M.
Snoek, H.
Sokoloff, M. D.
Soler, F. J. P.
Souza, D.
Souza De Paula, B.
Spaan, B.
Spradlin, P.
Sridharan, S.
Stagni, F.
Stahl, M.
Stahl, S.
Steinkamp, O.
Stenyakin, O.
Sterpka, F.
Stevenson, S.
Stoica, S.
Stone, S.
Storaci, B.
Stracka, S.
Straticiuc, M.
Straumann, U.
Sun, L.
Sutcliffe, W.
Swientek, K.
Swientek, S.
Syropoulos, V.
Szczekowski, M.
Szczypka, P.
Szumlak, T.
T’Jampens, S.
Tekampe, T.
Teklishyn, M.
Tellarini, G.
Teubert, F.
Thomas, C.
Thomas, E.
van Tilburg, J.
Tisserand, V.
Tobin, M.
Todd, J.
Tolk, S.
Tomassetti, L.
Tonelli, D.
Topp-Joergensen, S.
Torr, N.
Tournefier, E.
Tourneur, S.
Trabelsi, K.
Tran, M. T.
Tresch, M.
Trisovic, A.
Tsaregorodtsev, A.
Tsopelas, P.
Tuning, N.
Ukleja, A.
Ustyuzhanin, A.
Uwer, U.
Vacca, C.
Vagnoni, V.
Valenti, G.
Vallier, A.
Vazquez Gomez, R.
Vazquez Regueiro, P.
Vázquez Sierra, C.
Vecchi, S.
Velthuis, J. J.
Veltri, M.
Veneziano, G.
Vesterinen, M.
Viaud, B.
Vieira, D.
Vieites Diaz, M.
Vilasis-Cardona, X.
Vollhardt, A.
Volyanskyy, D.
Voong, D.
Vorobyev, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Voß, C.
de Vries, J. A.
Waldi, R.
Wallace, C.
Wallace, R.
Walsh, J.
Wandernoth, S.
Wang, J.
Ward, D. R.
Watson, N. K.
Websdale, D.
Weiden, A.
Whitehead, M.
Wiedner, D.
Wilkinson, G.
Wilkinson, M.
Williams, M.
Williams, M. P.
Williams, T.
Wilson, F. F.
Wimberley, J.
Wishahi, J.
Wislicki, W.
Witek, M.
Wormser, G.
Wotton, S. A.
Wright, S.
Wyllie, K.
Xie, Y.
Xu, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yu, J.
Yuan, X.
Yushchenko, O.
Zangoli, M.
Zavertyaev, M.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Y.
Zhelezov, A.
Zhokhov, A.
Zhong, L.
Williams, Michael
Ilten, Philip J
author2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
author_facet Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Aaij, R.
Adeva, B.
Adinolfi, M.
Affolder, A.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Akar, S.
Albrecht, J.
Alessio, F.
Alexander, M.
Ali, S.
Alkhazov, G.
Alvarez Cartelle, P.
Alves, A. A.
Amato, S.
Amerio, S.
Amhis, Y.
An, L.
Anderlini, L.
Anderson, J.
Andreotti, M.
Andrews, J. E.
Appleby, R. B.
Aquines Gutierrez, O.
Archilli, F.
d’Argent, P.
Artamonov, A.
Artuso, M.
Aslanides, E.
Auriemma, G.
Baalouch, M.
Bachmann, S.
Back, J. J.
Badalov, A.
Baesso, C.
Baldini, W.
Barlow, R. J.
Barschel, C.
Barsuk, S.
Barter, W.
Batozskaya, V.
Battista, V.
Bay, A.
Beaucourt, L.
Beddow, J.
Bedeschi, F.
Bediaga, I.
Bel, L. J.
Belyaev, I.
Ben-Haim, E.
Bencivenni, G.
Benson, S.
Benton, J.
Berezhnoy, A.
Bernet, R.
Bertolin, A.
Bettler, M.-O.
van Beuzekom, M.
Bien, A.
Bifani, S.
Bird, T.
Birnkraut, A.
Bizzeti, A.
Blake, T.
Blanc, F.
Blouw, J.
Blusk, S.
Bocci, V.
Bondar, A.
Bondar, N.
Bonivento, W.
Borghi, S.
Borsato, M.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Bowen, E.
Bozzi, C.
Braun, S.
Brett, D.
Britsch, M.
Britton, T.
Brodzicka, J.
Brook, N. H.
Bursche, A.
Buytaert, J.
Cadeddu, S.
Calabrese, R.
Calvi, M.
Calvo Gomez, M.
Campana, P.
Campora Perez, D.
Capriotti, L.
Carbone, A.
Carboni, G.
Cardinale, R.
Cardini, A.
Carniti, P.
Carson, L.
Carvalho Akiba, K.
Casse, G.
Cassina, L.
Castillo Garcia, L.
Cattaneo, M.
Cauet, Ch.
Cavallero, G.
Cenci, R.
Charles, M.
Charpentier, Ph.
Chefdeville, M.
Chen, S.
Cheung, S.-F.
Chiapolini, N.
Chrzaszcz, M.
Cid Vidal, X.
Ciezarek, G.
Clarke, P. E. L.
Clemencic, M.
Cliff, H. V.
Closier, J.
Coco, V.
Cogan, J.
Cogneras, E.
Cogoni, V.
Cojocariu, L.
Collazuol, G.
Collins, P.
Comerma-Montells, A.
Contu, A.
Cook, A.
Coombes, M.
Coquereau, S.
Corti, G.
Corvo, M.
Couturier, B.
Cowan, G. A.
Craik, D. C.
Crocombe, A.
Cruz Torres, M.
Cunliffe, S.
Currie, R.
D’Ambrosio, C.
Dalseno, J.
David, P. N. Y.
Davis, A.
De Bruyn, K.
De Capua, S.
De Cian, M.
De Miranda, J. M.
De Paula, L.
De Silva, W.
De Simone, P.
Dean, C.-T.
Decamp, D.
Deckenhoff, M.
Del Buono, L.
Déléage, N.
Demmer, M.
Derkach, D.
Deschamps, O.
Dettori, F.
Di Canto, A.
Di Ruscio, F.
Dijkstra, H.
Donleavy, S.
Dordei, F.
Dorigo, M.
Dosil Suárez, A.
Dossett, D.
Dovbnya, A.
Dreimanis, K.
Dufour, L.
Dujany, G.
Dupertuis, F.
Durante, P.
Dzhelyadin, R.
Dziurda, A.
Dzyuba, A.
Easo, S.
Egede, U.
Egorychev, V.
Eidelman, S.
Eisenhardt, S.
Eitschberger, U.
Ekelhof, R.
Eklund, L.
El Rifai, I.
Elsasser, Ch.
Ely, S.
Esen, S.
Evans, H. M.
Evans, T.
Falabella, A.
Färber, C.
Farinelli, C.
Farley, N.
Farry, S.
Fay, R.
Ferguson, D.
Fernandez Albor, V.
Ferrari, F.
Ferreira Rodrigues, F.
Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Filippov, S.
Fiore, M.
Fiorini, M.
Firlej, M.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Fiutowski, T.
Fohl, K.
Fol, P.
Fontana, M.
Fontanelli, F.
Forty, R.
Francisco, O.
Frank, M.
Frei, C.
Frosini, M.
Fu, J.
Furfaro, E.
Gallas Torreira, A.
Galli, D.
Gallorini, S.
Gambetta, S.
Gandelman, M.
Gandini, P.
Gao, Y.
García Pardiñas, J.
Garofoli, J.
Garra Tico, J.
Garrido, L.
Gascon, D.
Gaspar, C.
Gastaldi, U.
Gauld, R.
Gavardi, L.
Gazzoni, G.
Geraci, A.
Gerick, D.
Gersabeck, E.
Gersabeck, M.
Gershon, T.
Ghez, Ph.
Gianelle, A.
Gianì, S.
Gibson, V.
Girard, O. G.
Giubega, L.
Gligorov, V. V.
Göbel, C.
Golubkov, D.
Golutvin, A.
Gomes, A.
Gotti, C.
Grabalosa Gándara, M.
Graciani Diaz, R.
Granado Cardoso, L. A.
Graugés, E.
Graverini, E.
Graziani, G.
Grecu, A.
Greening, E.
Gregson, S.
Griffith, P.
Grillo, L.
Grünberg, O.
Gui, B.
Gushchin, E.
Guz, Yu.
Gys, T.
Hadavizadeh, T.
Hadjivasiliou, C.
Haefeli, G.
Haen, C.
Haines, S. C.
Hall, S.
Hamilton, B.
Hampson, T.
Han, X.
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harnew, N.
Harnew, S. T.
Harrison, J.
He, J.
Head, T.
Heijne, V.
Hennessy, K.
Henrard, P.
Henry, L.
Hernando Morata, J. A.
van Herwijnen, E.
Heß, M.
Hicheur, A.
Hill, D.
Hoballah, M.
Hombach, C.
Hulsbergen, W.
Humair, T.
Hussain, N.
Hutchcroft, D.
Hynds, D.
Idzik, M.
Jacobsson, R.
Jaeger, A.
Jalocha, J.
Jans, E.
Jawahery, A.
Jing, F.
John, M.
Johnson, D.
Jones, C. R.
Joram, C.
Jost, B.
Jurik, N.
Kandybei, S.
Kanso, W.
Karacson, M.
Karbach, T. M.
Karodia, S.
Kelsey, M.
Kenyon, I. R.
Kenzie, M.
Ketel, T.
Khanji, B.
Khurewathanakul, C.
Klaver, S.
Klimaszewski, K.
Kochebina, O.
Kolpin, M.
Komarov, I.
Koopman, R. F.
Koppenburg, P.
Korolev, M.
Kozeiha, M.
Kravchuk, L.
Kreplin, K.
Kreps, M.
Krocker, G.
Krokovny, P.
Kruse, F.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucharczyk, M.
Kudryavtsev, V.
Kuonen, A. K.
Kurek, K.
Kvaratskheliya, T.
La Thi, V. N.
Lacarrere, D.
Lafferty, G.
Lai, A.
Lambert, D.
Lambert, R. W.
Lanfranchi, G.
Langenbruch, C.
Langhans, B.
Latham, T.
Lazzeroni, C.
Le Gac, R.
van Leerdam, J.
Lees, J.-P.
Lefèvre, R.
Leflat, A.
Lefrançois, J.
Leroy, O.
Lesiak, T.
Leverington, B.
Li, Y.
Likhomanenko, T.
Liles, M.
Lindner, R.
Linn, C.
Lionetto, F.
Liu, B.
Liu, X.
Loh, D.
Lohn, S.
Longstaff, I.
Lopes, J. H.
Lucchesi, D.
Lucio Martinez, M.
Luo, H.
Lupato, A.
Luppi, E.
Lupton, O.
Machefert, F.
Maciuc, F.
Maev, O.
Maguire, K.
Malde, S.
Malinin, A.
Manca, G.
Mancinelli, G.
Manning, P.
Mapelli, A.
Maratas, J.
Marchand, J. F.
Marconi, U.
Marin Benito, C.
Marino, P.
Märki, R.
Marks, J.
Martellotti, G.
Martin, M.
Martinelli, M.
Martinez Santos, D.
Martinez Vidal, F.
Martins Tostes, D.
Massafferri, A.
Matev, R.
Mathad, A.
Mathe, Z.
Matteuzzi, C.
Matthieu, K.
Mauri, A.
Maurin, B.
Mazurov, A.
McCann, M.
McCarthy, J.
McNab, A.
McNulty, R.
Meadows, B.
Meier, F.
Meissner, M.
Melnychuk, D.
Merk, M.
Milanes, D. A.
Minard, M.-N.
Mitzel, D. S.
Molina Rodriguez, J.
Monteil, S.
Morandin, M.
Morawski, P.
Mordà, A.
Morello, M. J.
Moron, J.
Morris, A. B.
Mountain, R.
Muheim, F.
Müller, J.
Müller, K.
Müller, V.
Mussini, M.
Muster, B.
Naik, P.
Nakada, T.
Nandakumar, R.
Nandi, A.
Nasteva, I.
Needham, M.
Neri, N.
Neubert, S.
Neufeld, N.
Neuner, M.
Nguyen, A. D.
Nguyen, T. D.
Nguyen-Mau, C.
Niess, V.
Niet, R.
Nikitin, N.
Nikodem, T.
Ninci, D.
Novoselov, A.
O’Hanlon, D. P.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A.
Obraztsov, V.
Ogilvy, S.
Okhrimenko, O.
Oldeman, R.
Onderwater, C. J. G.
Osorio Rodrigues, B.
Otalora Goicochea, J. M.
Otto, A.
Owen, P.
Oyanguren, A.
Palano, A.
Palombo, F.
Palutan, M.
Panman, J.
Papanestis, A.
Pappagallo, M.
Pappalardo, L. L.
Pappenheimer, C.
Parkes, C.
Passaleva, G.
Patel, G. D.
Patel, M.
Patrignani, C.
Pearce, A.
Pellegrino, A.
Penso, G.
Pepe Altarelli, M.
Perazzini, S.
Perret, P.
Pescatore, L.
Petridis, K.
Petrolini, A.
Petruzzo, M.
Picatoste Olloqui, E.
Pietrzyk, B.
Pilař, T.
Pinci, D.
Pistone, A.
Piucci, A.
Playfer, S.
Plo Casasus, M.
Poikela, T.
Polci, F.
Poluektov, A.
Polyakov, I.
Polycarpo, E.
Popov, A.
Popov, D.
Popovici, B.
Potterat, C.
Price, E.
Price, J. D.
Prisciandaro, J.
Pritchard, A.
Prouve, C.
Pugatch, V.
Puig Navarro, A.
Punzi, G.
Qian, W.
Quagliani, R.
Rachwal, B.
Rademacker, J. H.
Rakotomiaramanana, B.
Rama, M.
Rangel, M. S.
Raniuk, I.
Rauschmayr, N.
Raven, G.
Redi, F.
Reichert, S.
Reid, M. M.
dos Reis, A. C.
Ricciardi, S.
Richards, S.
Rihl, M.
Rinnert, K.
Rives Molina, V.
Robbe, P.
Rodrigues, A. B.
Rodrigues, E.
Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.
Rodriguez Perez, P.
Roiser, S.
Romanovsky, V.
Romero Vidal, A.
Ronayne, J. W.
Rotondo, M.
Rouvinet, J.
Ruf, T.
Ruiz, H.
Ruiz Valls, P.
Saborido Silva, J. J.
Sagidova, N.
Sail, P.
Saitta, B.
Salustino Guimaraes, V.
Sanchez Mayordomo, C.
Sanmartin Sedes, B.
Santacesaria, R.
Santamarina Rios, C.
Santimaria, M.
Santovetti, E.
Sarti, A.
Satriano, C.
Satta, A.
Saunders, D. M.
Savrina, D.
Schiller, M.
Schindler, H.
Schlupp, M.
Schmelling, M.
Schmelzer, T.
Schmidt, B.
Schneider, O.
Schopper, A.
Schubiger, M.
Schune, M.-H.
Schwemmer, R.
Sciascia, B.
Sciubba, A.
Semennikov, A.
Sepp, I.
Serra, N.
Serrano, J.
Sestini, L.
Seyfert, P.
Shapkin, M.
Shapoval, I.
Shcheglov, Y.
Shears, T.
Shekhtman, L.
Shevchenko, V.
Shires, A.
Silva Coutinho, R.
Simi, G.
Sirendi, M.
Skidmore, N.
Skillicorn, I.
Skwarnicki, T.
Smith, E.
Smith, E.
Smith, I. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, M.
Snoek, H.
Sokoloff, M. D.
Soler, F. J. P.
Souza, D.
Souza De Paula, B.
Spaan, B.
Spradlin, P.
Sridharan, S.
Stagni, F.
Stahl, M.
Stahl, S.
Steinkamp, O.
Stenyakin, O.
Sterpka, F.
Stevenson, S.
Stoica, S.
Stone, S.
Storaci, B.
Stracka, S.
Straticiuc, M.
Straumann, U.
Sun, L.
Sutcliffe, W.
Swientek, K.
Swientek, S.
Syropoulos, V.
Szczekowski, M.
Szczypka, P.
Szumlak, T.
T’Jampens, S.
Tekampe, T.
Teklishyn, M.
Tellarini, G.
Teubert, F.
Thomas, C.
Thomas, E.
van Tilburg, J.
Tisserand, V.
Tobin, M.
Todd, J.
Tolk, S.
Tomassetti, L.
Tonelli, D.
Topp-Joergensen, S.
Torr, N.
Tournefier, E.
Tourneur, S.
Trabelsi, K.
Tran, M. T.
Tresch, M.
Trisovic, A.
Tsaregorodtsev, A.
Tsopelas, P.
Tuning, N.
Ukleja, A.
Ustyuzhanin, A.
Uwer, U.
Vacca, C.
Vagnoni, V.
Valenti, G.
Vallier, A.
Vazquez Gomez, R.
Vazquez Regueiro, P.
Vázquez Sierra, C.
Vecchi, S.
Velthuis, J. J.
Veltri, M.
Veneziano, G.
Vesterinen, M.
Viaud, B.
Vieira, D.
Vieites Diaz, M.
Vilasis-Cardona, X.
Vollhardt, A.
Volyanskyy, D.
Voong, D.
Vorobyev, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Voß, C.
de Vries, J. A.
Waldi, R.
Wallace, C.
Wallace, R.
Walsh, J.
Wandernoth, S.
Wang, J.
Ward, D. R.
Watson, N. K.
Websdale, D.
Weiden, A.
Whitehead, M.
Wiedner, D.
Wilkinson, G.
Wilkinson, M.
Williams, M.
Williams, M. P.
Williams, T.
Wilson, F. F.
Wimberley, J.
Wishahi, J.
Wislicki, W.
Witek, M.
Wormser, G.
Wotton, S. A.
Wright, S.
Wyllie, K.
Xie, Y.
Xu, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yu, J.
Yuan, X.
Yushchenko, O.
Zangoli, M.
Zavertyaev, M.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Y.
Zhelezov, A.
Zhokhov, A.
Zhong, L.
Williams, Michael
Ilten, Philip J
author_sort Aaij, R.
collection MIT
description Top quark production in the forward region in proton-proton collisions is observed for the first time. The W + b final state with W → μν is reconstructed using muons with a transverse momentum, p[subscript T], larger than 25 GeV in the pseudorapidity range 2.0 < η < 4.5. The b jets are required to have 50 < p[subscript T] < 100  GeV and 2.2 < η < 4.2, while the transverse component of the sum of the muon and b-jet momenta must satisfy p[subscript T] > 20  GeV. The results are based on data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1.0 and 2.0  fb[superscript -1] collected at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV by LHCb. The inclusive top quark production cross sections in the fiducial region are σ(top)[7  TeV] = 239 ± 53(stat) ± 33(syst) ± 24(theory)  fb, σ(top)[8  TeV] = 289 ± 43(stat) ± 40(syst) ± 29(theory)  fb.These results, along with the observed differential yields and charge asymmetries, are in agreement with next-to-leading order standard model predictions.
first_indexed 2024-09-23T11:03:16Z
format Article
id mit-1721.1/98414
institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
language English
last_indexed 2024-09-23T11:03:16Z
publishDate 2015
publisher American Physical Society
record_format dspace
spelling mit-1721.1/984142023-02-26T08:17:49Z First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region Aaij, R. Adeva, B. Adinolfi, M. Affolder, A. Ajaltouni, Z. Akar, S. Albrecht, J. Alessio, F. Alexander, M. Ali, S. Alkhazov, G. Alvarez Cartelle, P. Alves, A. A. Amato, S. Amerio, S. Amhis, Y. An, L. Anderlini, L. Anderson, J. Andreotti, M. Andrews, J. E. Appleby, R. B. Aquines Gutierrez, O. Archilli, F. d’Argent, P. Artamonov, A. Artuso, M. Aslanides, E. Auriemma, G. Baalouch, M. Bachmann, S. Back, J. J. Badalov, A. Baesso, C. Baldini, W. Barlow, R. J. Barschel, C. Barsuk, S. Barter, W. Batozskaya, V. Battista, V. Bay, A. Beaucourt, L. Beddow, J. Bedeschi, F. Bediaga, I. Bel, L. J. Belyaev, I. Ben-Haim, E. Bencivenni, G. Benson, S. Benton, J. Berezhnoy, A. Bernet, R. Bertolin, A. Bettler, M.-O. van Beuzekom, M. Bien, A. Bifani, S. Bird, T. Birnkraut, A. Bizzeti, A. Blake, T. Blanc, F. Blouw, J. Blusk, S. Bocci, V. Bondar, A. Bondar, N. Bonivento, W. Borghi, S. Borsato, M. Bowcock, T. J. V. Bowen, E. Bozzi, C. Braun, S. Brett, D. Britsch, M. Britton, T. Brodzicka, J. Brook, N. H. Bursche, A. Buytaert, J. Cadeddu, S. Calabrese, R. Calvi, M. Calvo Gomez, M. Campana, P. Campora Perez, D. Capriotti, L. Carbone, A. Carboni, G. Cardinale, R. Cardini, A. Carniti, P. Carson, L. Carvalho Akiba, K. Casse, G. Cassina, L. Castillo Garcia, L. Cattaneo, M. Cauet, Ch. Cavallero, G. Cenci, R. Charles, M. Charpentier, Ph. Chefdeville, M. Chen, S. Cheung, S.-F. Chiapolini, N. Chrzaszcz, M. Cid Vidal, X. Ciezarek, G. Clarke, P. E. L. Clemencic, M. Cliff, H. V. Closier, J. Coco, V. Cogan, J. Cogneras, E. Cogoni, V. Cojocariu, L. Collazuol, G. Collins, P. Comerma-Montells, A. Contu, A. Cook, A. Coombes, M. Coquereau, S. Corti, G. Corvo, M. Couturier, B. Cowan, G. A. Craik, D. C. Crocombe, A. Cruz Torres, M. Cunliffe, S. Currie, R. D’Ambrosio, C. Dalseno, J. David, P. N. Y. Davis, A. De Bruyn, K. De Capua, S. De Cian, M. De Miranda, J. M. De Paula, L. De Silva, W. De Simone, P. Dean, C.-T. Decamp, D. Deckenhoff, M. Del Buono, L. Déléage, N. Demmer, M. Derkach, D. Deschamps, O. Dettori, F. Di Canto, A. Di Ruscio, F. Dijkstra, H. Donleavy, S. Dordei, F. Dorigo, M. Dosil Suárez, A. Dossett, D. Dovbnya, A. Dreimanis, K. Dufour, L. Dujany, G. Dupertuis, F. Durante, P. Dzhelyadin, R. Dziurda, A. Dzyuba, A. Easo, S. Egede, U. Egorychev, V. Eidelman, S. Eisenhardt, S. Eitschberger, U. Ekelhof, R. Eklund, L. El Rifai, I. Elsasser, Ch. Ely, S. Esen, S. Evans, H. M. Evans, T. Falabella, A. Färber, C. Farinelli, C. Farley, N. Farry, S. Fay, R. Ferguson, D. Fernandez Albor, V. Ferrari, F. Ferreira Rodrigues, F. Ferro-Luzzi, M. Filippov, S. Fiore, M. Fiorini, M. Firlej, M. Fitzpatrick, C. Fiutowski, T. Fohl, K. Fol, P. Fontana, M. Fontanelli, F. Forty, R. Francisco, O. Frank, M. Frei, C. Frosini, M. Fu, J. Furfaro, E. Gallas Torreira, A. Galli, D. Gallorini, S. Gambetta, S. Gandelman, M. Gandini, P. Gao, Y. García Pardiñas, J. Garofoli, J. Garra Tico, J. Garrido, L. Gascon, D. Gaspar, C. Gastaldi, U. Gauld, R. Gavardi, L. Gazzoni, G. Geraci, A. Gerick, D. Gersabeck, E. Gersabeck, M. Gershon, T. Ghez, Ph. Gianelle, A. Gianì, S. Gibson, V. Girard, O. G. Giubega, L. Gligorov, V. V. Göbel, C. Golubkov, D. Golutvin, A. Gomes, A. Gotti, C. Grabalosa Gándara, M. Graciani Diaz, R. Granado Cardoso, L. A. Graugés, E. Graverini, E. Graziani, G. Grecu, A. Greening, E. Gregson, S. Griffith, P. Grillo, L. Grünberg, O. Gui, B. Gushchin, E. Guz, Yu. Gys, T. Hadavizadeh, T. Hadjivasiliou, C. Haefeli, G. Haen, C. Haines, S. C. Hall, S. Hamilton, B. Hampson, T. Han, X. Hansmann-Menzemer, S. Harnew, N. Harnew, S. T. Harrison, J. He, J. Head, T. Heijne, V. Hennessy, K. Henrard, P. Henry, L. Hernando Morata, J. A. van Herwijnen, E. Heß, M. Hicheur, A. Hill, D. Hoballah, M. Hombach, C. Hulsbergen, W. Humair, T. Hussain, N. Hutchcroft, D. Hynds, D. Idzik, M. Jacobsson, R. Jaeger, A. Jalocha, J. Jans, E. Jawahery, A. Jing, F. John, M. Johnson, D. Jones, C. R. Joram, C. Jost, B. Jurik, N. Kandybei, S. Kanso, W. Karacson, M. Karbach, T. M. Karodia, S. Kelsey, M. Kenyon, I. R. Kenzie, M. Ketel, T. Khanji, B. Khurewathanakul, C. Klaver, S. Klimaszewski, K. Kochebina, O. Kolpin, M. Komarov, I. Koopman, R. F. Koppenburg, P. Korolev, M. Kozeiha, M. Kravchuk, L. Kreplin, K. Kreps, M. Krocker, G. Krokovny, P. Kruse, F. Kucewicz, W. Kucharczyk, M. Kudryavtsev, V. Kuonen, A. K. Kurek, K. Kvaratskheliya, T. La Thi, V. N. Lacarrere, D. Lafferty, G. Lai, A. Lambert, D. Lambert, R. W. Lanfranchi, G. Langenbruch, C. Langhans, B. Latham, T. Lazzeroni, C. Le Gac, R. van Leerdam, J. Lees, J.-P. Lefèvre, R. Leflat, A. Lefrançois, J. Leroy, O. Lesiak, T. Leverington, B. Li, Y. Likhomanenko, T. Liles, M. Lindner, R. Linn, C. Lionetto, F. Liu, B. Liu, X. Loh, D. Lohn, S. Longstaff, I. Lopes, J. H. Lucchesi, D. Lucio Martinez, M. Luo, H. Lupato, A. Luppi, E. Lupton, O. Machefert, F. Maciuc, F. Maev, O. Maguire, K. Malde, S. Malinin, A. Manca, G. Mancinelli, G. Manning, P. Mapelli, A. Maratas, J. Marchand, J. F. Marconi, U. Marin Benito, C. Marino, P. Märki, R. Marks, J. Martellotti, G. Martin, M. Martinelli, M. Martinez Santos, D. Martinez Vidal, F. Martins Tostes, D. Massafferri, A. Matev, R. Mathad, A. Mathe, Z. Matteuzzi, C. Matthieu, K. Mauri, A. Maurin, B. Mazurov, A. McCann, M. McCarthy, J. McNab, A. McNulty, R. Meadows, B. Meier, F. Meissner, M. Melnychuk, D. Merk, M. Milanes, D. A. Minard, M.-N. Mitzel, D. S. Molina Rodriguez, J. Monteil, S. Morandin, M. Morawski, P. Mordà, A. Morello, M. J. Moron, J. Morris, A. B. Mountain, R. Muheim, F. Müller, J. Müller, K. Müller, V. Mussini, M. Muster, B. Naik, P. Nakada, T. Nandakumar, R. Nandi, A. Nasteva, I. Needham, M. Neri, N. Neubert, S. Neufeld, N. Neuner, M. Nguyen, A. D. Nguyen, T. D. Nguyen-Mau, C. Niess, V. Niet, R. Nikitin, N. Nikodem, T. Ninci, D. Novoselov, A. O’Hanlon, D. P. Oblakowska-Mucha, A. Obraztsov, V. Ogilvy, S. Okhrimenko, O. Oldeman, R. Onderwater, C. J. G. Osorio Rodrigues, B. Otalora Goicochea, J. M. Otto, A. Owen, P. Oyanguren, A. Palano, A. Palombo, F. Palutan, M. Panman, J. Papanestis, A. Pappagallo, M. Pappalardo, L. L. Pappenheimer, C. Parkes, C. Passaleva, G. Patel, G. D. Patel, M. Patrignani, C. Pearce, A. Pellegrino, A. Penso, G. Pepe Altarelli, M. Perazzini, S. Perret, P. Pescatore, L. Petridis, K. Petrolini, A. Petruzzo, M. Picatoste Olloqui, E. Pietrzyk, B. Pilař, T. Pinci, D. Pistone, A. Piucci, A. Playfer, S. Plo Casasus, M. Poikela, T. Polci, F. Poluektov, A. Polyakov, I. Polycarpo, E. Popov, A. Popov, D. Popovici, B. Potterat, C. Price, E. Price, J. D. Prisciandaro, J. Pritchard, A. Prouve, C. Pugatch, V. Puig Navarro, A. Punzi, G. Qian, W. Quagliani, R. Rachwal, B. Rademacker, J. H. Rakotomiaramanana, B. Rama, M. Rangel, M. S. Raniuk, I. Rauschmayr, N. Raven, G. Redi, F. Reichert, S. Reid, M. M. dos Reis, A. C. Ricciardi, S. Richards, S. Rihl, M. Rinnert, K. Rives Molina, V. Robbe, P. Rodrigues, A. B. Rodrigues, E. Rodriguez Lopez, J. A. Rodriguez Perez, P. Roiser, S. Romanovsky, V. Romero Vidal, A. Ronayne, J. W. Rotondo, M. Rouvinet, J. Ruf, T. Ruiz, H. Ruiz Valls, P. Saborido Silva, J. J. Sagidova, N. Sail, P. Saitta, B. Salustino Guimaraes, V. Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Sanmartin Sedes, B. Santacesaria, R. Santamarina Rios, C. Santimaria, M. Santovetti, E. Sarti, A. Satriano, C. Satta, A. Saunders, D. M. Savrina, D. Schiller, M. Schindler, H. Schlupp, M. Schmelling, M. Schmelzer, T. Schmidt, B. Schneider, O. Schopper, A. Schubiger, M. Schune, M.-H. Schwemmer, R. Sciascia, B. Sciubba, A. Semennikov, A. Sepp, I. Serra, N. Serrano, J. Sestini, L. Seyfert, P. Shapkin, M. Shapoval, I. Shcheglov, Y. Shears, T. Shekhtman, L. Shevchenko, V. Shires, A. Silva Coutinho, R. Simi, G. Sirendi, M. Skidmore, N. Skillicorn, I. Skwarnicki, T. Smith, E. Smith, E. Smith, I. T. Smith, J. Smith, M. Snoek, H. Sokoloff, M. D. Soler, F. J. P. Souza, D. Souza De Paula, B. Spaan, B. Spradlin, P. Sridharan, S. Stagni, F. Stahl, M. Stahl, S. Steinkamp, O. Stenyakin, O. Sterpka, F. Stevenson, S. Stoica, S. Stone, S. Storaci, B. Stracka, S. Straticiuc, M. Straumann, U. Sun, L. Sutcliffe, W. Swientek, K. Swientek, S. Syropoulos, V. Szczekowski, M. Szczypka, P. Szumlak, T. T’Jampens, S. Tekampe, T. Teklishyn, M. Tellarini, G. Teubert, F. Thomas, C. Thomas, E. van Tilburg, J. Tisserand, V. Tobin, M. Todd, J. Tolk, S. Tomassetti, L. Tonelli, D. Topp-Joergensen, S. Torr, N. Tournefier, E. Tourneur, S. Trabelsi, K. Tran, M. T. Tresch, M. Trisovic, A. Tsaregorodtsev, A. Tsopelas, P. Tuning, N. Ukleja, A. Ustyuzhanin, A. Uwer, U. Vacca, C. Vagnoni, V. Valenti, G. Vallier, A. Vazquez Gomez, R. Vazquez Regueiro, P. Vázquez Sierra, C. Vecchi, S. Velthuis, J. J. Veltri, M. Veneziano, G. Vesterinen, M. Viaud, B. Vieira, D. Vieites Diaz, M. Vilasis-Cardona, X. Vollhardt, A. Volyanskyy, D. Voong, D. Vorobyev, A. Vorobyev, V. Voß, C. de Vries, J. A. Waldi, R. Wallace, C. Wallace, R. Walsh, J. Wandernoth, S. Wang, J. Ward, D. R. Watson, N. K. Websdale, D. Weiden, A. Whitehead, M. Wiedner, D. Wilkinson, G. Wilkinson, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. P. Williams, T. Wilson, F. F. Wimberley, J. Wishahi, J. Wislicki, W. Witek, M. Wormser, G. Wotton, S. A. Wright, S. Wyllie, K. Xie, Y. Xu, Z. Yang, Z. Yu, J. Yuan, X. Yushchenko, O. Zangoli, M. Zavertyaev, M. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Zhelezov, A. Zhokhov, A. Zhong, L. Williams, Michael Ilten, Philip J Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Science Ilten, Philip James Williams, Michael Top quark production in the forward region in proton-proton collisions is observed for the first time. The W + b final state with W → μν is reconstructed using muons with a transverse momentum, p[subscript T], larger than 25 GeV in the pseudorapidity range 2.0 < η < 4.5. The b jets are required to have 50 < p[subscript T] < 100  GeV and 2.2 < η < 4.2, while the transverse component of the sum of the muon and b-jet momenta must satisfy p[subscript T] > 20  GeV. The results are based on data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1.0 and 2.0  fb[superscript -1] collected at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV by LHCb. The inclusive top quark production cross sections in the fiducial region are σ(top)[7  TeV] = 239 ± 53(stat) ± 33(syst) ± 24(theory)  fb, σ(top)[8  TeV] = 289 ± 43(stat) ± 40(syst) ± 29(theory)  fb.These results, along with the observed differential yields and charge asymmetries, are in agreement with next-to-leading order standard model predictions. National Science Foundation (U.S.) 2015-09-09T11:42:50Z 2015-09-09T11:42:50Z 2015-09 2015-07 2015-09-08T22:00:15Z Article 0031-9007 1079-7114 Aaij, R., et al. "First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region." Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 112001 (September 2015). © 2015 CERN, for the LHCb Collaboration en Physical Review Letters Creative Commons Attribution CERN application/pdf American Physical Society American Physical Society
spellingShingle Aaij, R.
Adeva, B.
Adinolfi, M.
Affolder, A.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Akar, S.
Albrecht, J.
Alessio, F.
Alexander, M.
Ali, S.
Alkhazov, G.
Alvarez Cartelle, P.
Alves, A. A.
Amato, S.
Amerio, S.
Amhis, Y.
An, L.
Anderlini, L.
Anderson, J.
Andreotti, M.
Andrews, J. E.
Appleby, R. B.
Aquines Gutierrez, O.
Archilli, F.
d’Argent, P.
Artamonov, A.
Artuso, M.
Aslanides, E.
Auriemma, G.
Baalouch, M.
Bachmann, S.
Back, J. J.
Badalov, A.
Baesso, C.
Baldini, W.
Barlow, R. J.
Barschel, C.
Barsuk, S.
Barter, W.
Batozskaya, V.
Battista, V.
Bay, A.
Beaucourt, L.
Beddow, J.
Bedeschi, F.
Bediaga, I.
Bel, L. J.
Belyaev, I.
Ben-Haim, E.
Bencivenni, G.
Benson, S.
Benton, J.
Berezhnoy, A.
Bernet, R.
Bertolin, A.
Bettler, M.-O.
van Beuzekom, M.
Bien, A.
Bifani, S.
Bird, T.
Birnkraut, A.
Bizzeti, A.
Blake, T.
Blanc, F.
Blouw, J.
Blusk, S.
Bocci, V.
Bondar, A.
Bondar, N.
Bonivento, W.
Borghi, S.
Borsato, M.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Bowen, E.
Bozzi, C.
Braun, S.
Brett, D.
Britsch, M.
Britton, T.
Brodzicka, J.
Brook, N. H.
Bursche, A.
Buytaert, J.
Cadeddu, S.
Calabrese, R.
Calvi, M.
Calvo Gomez, M.
Campana, P.
Campora Perez, D.
Capriotti, L.
Carbone, A.
Carboni, G.
Cardinale, R.
Cardini, A.
Carniti, P.
Carson, L.
Carvalho Akiba, K.
Casse, G.
Cassina, L.
Castillo Garcia, L.
Cattaneo, M.
Cauet, Ch.
Cavallero, G.
Cenci, R.
Charles, M.
Charpentier, Ph.
Chefdeville, M.
Chen, S.
Cheung, S.-F.
Chiapolini, N.
Chrzaszcz, M.
Cid Vidal, X.
Ciezarek, G.
Clarke, P. E. L.
Clemencic, M.
Cliff, H. V.
Closier, J.
Coco, V.
Cogan, J.
Cogneras, E.
Cogoni, V.
Cojocariu, L.
Collazuol, G.
Collins, P.
Comerma-Montells, A.
Contu, A.
Cook, A.
Coombes, M.
Coquereau, S.
Corti, G.
Corvo, M.
Couturier, B.
Cowan, G. A.
Craik, D. C.
Crocombe, A.
Cruz Torres, M.
Cunliffe, S.
Currie, R.
D’Ambrosio, C.
Dalseno, J.
David, P. N. Y.
Davis, A.
De Bruyn, K.
De Capua, S.
De Cian, M.
De Miranda, J. M.
De Paula, L.
De Silva, W.
De Simone, P.
Dean, C.-T.
Decamp, D.
Deckenhoff, M.
Del Buono, L.
Déléage, N.
Demmer, M.
Derkach, D.
Deschamps, O.
Dettori, F.
Di Canto, A.
Di Ruscio, F.
Dijkstra, H.
Donleavy, S.
Dordei, F.
Dorigo, M.
Dosil Suárez, A.
Dossett, D.
Dovbnya, A.
Dreimanis, K.
Dufour, L.
Dujany, G.
Dupertuis, F.
Durante, P.
Dzhelyadin, R.
Dziurda, A.
Dzyuba, A.
Easo, S.
Egede, U.
Egorychev, V.
Eidelman, S.
Eisenhardt, S.
Eitschberger, U.
Ekelhof, R.
Eklund, L.
El Rifai, I.
Elsasser, Ch.
Ely, S.
Esen, S.
Evans, H. M.
Evans, T.
Falabella, A.
Färber, C.
Farinelli, C.
Farley, N.
Farry, S.
Fay, R.
Ferguson, D.
Fernandez Albor, V.
Ferrari, F.
Ferreira Rodrigues, F.
Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Filippov, S.
Fiore, M.
Fiorini, M.
Firlej, M.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Fiutowski, T.
Fohl, K.
Fol, P.
Fontana, M.
Fontanelli, F.
Forty, R.
Francisco, O.
Frank, M.
Frei, C.
Frosini, M.
Fu, J.
Furfaro, E.
Gallas Torreira, A.
Galli, D.
Gallorini, S.
Gambetta, S.
Gandelman, M.
Gandini, P.
Gao, Y.
García Pardiñas, J.
Garofoli, J.
Garra Tico, J.
Garrido, L.
Gascon, D.
Gaspar, C.
Gastaldi, U.
Gauld, R.
Gavardi, L.
Gazzoni, G.
Geraci, A.
Gerick, D.
Gersabeck, E.
Gersabeck, M.
Gershon, T.
Ghez, Ph.
Gianelle, A.
Gianì, S.
Gibson, V.
Girard, O. G.
Giubega, L.
Gligorov, V. V.
Göbel, C.
Golubkov, D.
Golutvin, A.
Gomes, A.
Gotti, C.
Grabalosa Gándara, M.
Graciani Diaz, R.
Granado Cardoso, L. A.
Graugés, E.
Graverini, E.
Graziani, G.
Grecu, A.
Greening, E.
Gregson, S.
Griffith, P.
Grillo, L.
Grünberg, O.
Gui, B.
Gushchin, E.
Guz, Yu.
Gys, T.
Hadavizadeh, T.
Hadjivasiliou, C.
Haefeli, G.
Haen, C.
Haines, S. C.
Hall, S.
Hamilton, B.
Hampson, T.
Han, X.
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harnew, N.
Harnew, S. T.
Harrison, J.
He, J.
Head, T.
Heijne, V.
Hennessy, K.
Henrard, P.
Henry, L.
Hernando Morata, J. A.
van Herwijnen, E.
Heß, M.
Hicheur, A.
Hill, D.
Hoballah, M.
Hombach, C.
Hulsbergen, W.
Humair, T.
Hussain, N.
Hutchcroft, D.
Hynds, D.
Idzik, M.
Jacobsson, R.
Jaeger, A.
Jalocha, J.
Jans, E.
Jawahery, A.
Jing, F.
John, M.
Johnson, D.
Jones, C. R.
Joram, C.
Jost, B.
Jurik, N.
Kandybei, S.
Kanso, W.
Karacson, M.
Karbach, T. M.
Karodia, S.
Kelsey, M.
Kenyon, I. R.
Kenzie, M.
Ketel, T.
Khanji, B.
Khurewathanakul, C.
Klaver, S.
Klimaszewski, K.
Kochebina, O.
Kolpin, M.
Komarov, I.
Koopman, R. F.
Koppenburg, P.
Korolev, M.
Kozeiha, M.
Kravchuk, L.
Kreplin, K.
Kreps, M.
Krocker, G.
Krokovny, P.
Kruse, F.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucharczyk, M.
Kudryavtsev, V.
Kuonen, A. K.
Kurek, K.
Kvaratskheliya, T.
La Thi, V. N.
Lacarrere, D.
Lafferty, G.
Lai, A.
Lambert, D.
Lambert, R. W.
Lanfranchi, G.
Langenbruch, C.
Langhans, B.
Latham, T.
Lazzeroni, C.
Le Gac, R.
van Leerdam, J.
Lees, J.-P.
Lefèvre, R.
Leflat, A.
Lefrançois, J.
Leroy, O.
Lesiak, T.
Leverington, B.
Li, Y.
Likhomanenko, T.
Liles, M.
Lindner, R.
Linn, C.
Lionetto, F.
Liu, B.
Liu, X.
Loh, D.
Lohn, S.
Longstaff, I.
Lopes, J. H.
Lucchesi, D.
Lucio Martinez, M.
Luo, H.
Lupato, A.
Luppi, E.
Lupton, O.
Machefert, F.
Maciuc, F.
Maev, O.
Maguire, K.
Malde, S.
Malinin, A.
Manca, G.
Mancinelli, G.
Manning, P.
Mapelli, A.
Maratas, J.
Marchand, J. F.
Marconi, U.
Marin Benito, C.
Marino, P.
Märki, R.
Marks, J.
Martellotti, G.
Martin, M.
Martinelli, M.
Martinez Santos, D.
Martinez Vidal, F.
Martins Tostes, D.
Massafferri, A.
Matev, R.
Mathad, A.
Mathe, Z.
Matteuzzi, C.
Matthieu, K.
Mauri, A.
Maurin, B.
Mazurov, A.
McCann, M.
McCarthy, J.
McNab, A.
McNulty, R.
Meadows, B.
Meier, F.
Meissner, M.
Melnychuk, D.
Merk, M.
Milanes, D. A.
Minard, M.-N.
Mitzel, D. S.
Molina Rodriguez, J.
Monteil, S.
Morandin, M.
Morawski, P.
Mordà, A.
Morello, M. J.
Moron, J.
Morris, A. B.
Mountain, R.
Muheim, F.
Müller, J.
Müller, K.
Müller, V.
Mussini, M.
Muster, B.
Naik, P.
Nakada, T.
Nandakumar, R.
Nandi, A.
Nasteva, I.
Needham, M.
Neri, N.
Neubert, S.
Neufeld, N.
Neuner, M.
Nguyen, A. D.
Nguyen, T. D.
Nguyen-Mau, C.
Niess, V.
Niet, R.
Nikitin, N.
Nikodem, T.
Ninci, D.
Novoselov, A.
O’Hanlon, D. P.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A.
Obraztsov, V.
Ogilvy, S.
Okhrimenko, O.
Oldeman, R.
Onderwater, C. J. G.
Osorio Rodrigues, B.
Otalora Goicochea, J. M.
Otto, A.
Owen, P.
Oyanguren, A.
Palano, A.
Palombo, F.
Palutan, M.
Panman, J.
Papanestis, A.
Pappagallo, M.
Pappalardo, L. L.
Pappenheimer, C.
Parkes, C.
Passaleva, G.
Patel, G. D.
Patel, M.
Patrignani, C.
Pearce, A.
Pellegrino, A.
Penso, G.
Pepe Altarelli, M.
Perazzini, S.
Perret, P.
Pescatore, L.
Petridis, K.
Petrolini, A.
Petruzzo, M.
Picatoste Olloqui, E.
Pietrzyk, B.
Pilař, T.
Pinci, D.
Pistone, A.
Piucci, A.
Playfer, S.
Plo Casasus, M.
Poikela, T.
Polci, F.
Poluektov, A.
Polyakov, I.
Polycarpo, E.
Popov, A.
Popov, D.
Popovici, B.
Potterat, C.
Price, E.
Price, J. D.
Prisciandaro, J.
Pritchard, A.
Prouve, C.
Pugatch, V.
Puig Navarro, A.
Punzi, G.
Qian, W.
Quagliani, R.
Rachwal, B.
Rademacker, J. H.
Rakotomiaramanana, B.
Rama, M.
Rangel, M. S.
Raniuk, I.
Rauschmayr, N.
Raven, G.
Redi, F.
Reichert, S.
Reid, M. M.
dos Reis, A. C.
Ricciardi, S.
Richards, S.
Rihl, M.
Rinnert, K.
Rives Molina, V.
Robbe, P.
Rodrigues, A. B.
Rodrigues, E.
Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.
Rodriguez Perez, P.
Roiser, S.
Romanovsky, V.
Romero Vidal, A.
Ronayne, J. W.
Rotondo, M.
Rouvinet, J.
Ruf, T.
Ruiz, H.
Ruiz Valls, P.
Saborido Silva, J. J.
Sagidova, N.
Sail, P.
Saitta, B.
Salustino Guimaraes, V.
Sanchez Mayordomo, C.
Sanmartin Sedes, B.
Santacesaria, R.
Santamarina Rios, C.
Santimaria, M.
Santovetti, E.
Sarti, A.
Satriano, C.
Satta, A.
Saunders, D. M.
Savrina, D.
Schiller, M.
Schindler, H.
Schlupp, M.
Schmelling, M.
Schmelzer, T.
Schmidt, B.
Schneider, O.
Schopper, A.
Schubiger, M.
Schune, M.-H.
Schwemmer, R.
Sciascia, B.
Sciubba, A.
Semennikov, A.
Sepp, I.
Serra, N.
Serrano, J.
Sestini, L.
Seyfert, P.
Shapkin, M.
Shapoval, I.
Shcheglov, Y.
Shears, T.
Shekhtman, L.
Shevchenko, V.
Shires, A.
Silva Coutinho, R.
Simi, G.
Sirendi, M.
Skidmore, N.
Skillicorn, I.
Skwarnicki, T.
Smith, E.
Smith, E.
Smith, I. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, M.
Snoek, H.
Sokoloff, M. D.
Soler, F. J. P.
Souza, D.
Souza De Paula, B.
Spaan, B.
Spradlin, P.
Sridharan, S.
Stagni, F.
Stahl, M.
Stahl, S.
Steinkamp, O.
Stenyakin, O.
Sterpka, F.
Stevenson, S.
Stoica, S.
Stone, S.
Storaci, B.
Stracka, S.
Straticiuc, M.
Straumann, U.
Sun, L.
Sutcliffe, W.
Swientek, K.
Swientek, S.
Syropoulos, V.
Szczekowski, M.
Szczypka, P.
Szumlak, T.
T’Jampens, S.
Tekampe, T.
Teklishyn, M.
Tellarini, G.
Teubert, F.
Thomas, C.
Thomas, E.
van Tilburg, J.
Tisserand, V.
Tobin, M.
Todd, J.
Tolk, S.
Tomassetti, L.
Tonelli, D.
Topp-Joergensen, S.
Torr, N.
Tournefier, E.
Tourneur, S.
Trabelsi, K.
Tran, M. T.
Tresch, M.
Trisovic, A.
Tsaregorodtsev, A.
Tsopelas, P.
Tuning, N.
Ukleja, A.
Ustyuzhanin, A.
Uwer, U.
Vacca, C.
Vagnoni, V.
Valenti, G.
Vallier, A.
Vazquez Gomez, R.
Vazquez Regueiro, P.
Vázquez Sierra, C.
Vecchi, S.
Velthuis, J. J.
Veltri, M.
Veneziano, G.
Vesterinen, M.
Viaud, B.
Vieira, D.
Vieites Diaz, M.
Vilasis-Cardona, X.
Vollhardt, A.
Volyanskyy, D.
Voong, D.
Vorobyev, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Voß, C.
de Vries, J. A.
Waldi, R.
Wallace, C.
Wallace, R.
Walsh, J.
Wandernoth, S.
Wang, J.
Ward, D. R.
Watson, N. K.
Websdale, D.
Weiden, A.
Whitehead, M.
Wiedner, D.
Wilkinson, G.
Wilkinson, M.
Williams, M.
Williams, M. P.
Williams, T.
Wilson, F. F.
Wimberley, J.
Wishahi, J.
Wislicki, W.
Witek, M.
Wormser, G.
Wotton, S. A.
Wright, S.
Wyllie, K.
Xie, Y.
Xu, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yu, J.
Yuan, X.
Yushchenko, O.
Zangoli, M.
Zavertyaev, M.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Y.
Zhelezov, A.
Zhokhov, A.
Zhong, L.
Williams, Michael
Ilten, Philip J
First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region
title First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region
title_full First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region
title_fullStr First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region
title_full_unstemmed First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region
title_short First Observation of Top Quark Production in the Forward Region
title_sort first observation of top quark production in the forward region
work_keys_str_mv AT aaijr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT adevab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT adinolfim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT affoldera firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ajaltouniz firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT akars firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT albrechtj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT alessiof firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT alexanderm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT alis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT alkhazovg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT alvarezcartellep firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT alvesaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT amatos firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT amerios firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT amhisy firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT anl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT anderlinil firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT andersonj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT andreottim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT andrewsje firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT applebyrb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT aquinesgutierrezo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT archillif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dargentp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT artamonova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT artusom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT aslanidese firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT auriemmag firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT baalouchm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bachmanns firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT backjj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT badalova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT baessoc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT baldiniw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT barlowrj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT barschelc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT barsuks firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT barterw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT batozskayav firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT battistav firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT baya firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT beaucourtl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT beddowj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bedeschif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bediagai firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bellj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT belyaevi firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT benhaime firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bencivennig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bensons firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bentonj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT berezhnoya firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bernetr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bertolina firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bettlermo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vanbeuzekomm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT biena firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bifanis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT birdt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT birnkrauta firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bizzetia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT blaket firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT blancf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT blouwj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT blusks firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bocciv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bondara firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bondarn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT boniventow firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT borghis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT borsatom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bowcocktjv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bowene firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT bozzic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT brauns firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT brettd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT britschm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT brittont firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT brodzickaj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT brooknh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT burschea firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT buytaertj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cadeddus firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT calabreser firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT calvim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT calvogomezm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT campanap firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT camporaperezd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT capriottil firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT carbonea firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT carbonig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cardinaler firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cardinia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT carnitip firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT carsonl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT carvalhoakibak firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT casseg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cassinal firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT castillogarcial firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cattaneom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cauetch firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cavallerog firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cencir firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT charlesm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT charpentierph firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT chefdevillem firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT chens firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cheungsf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT chiapolinin firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT chrzaszczm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cidvidalx firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ciezarekg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT clarkepel firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT clemencicm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cliffhv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT closierj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cocov firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT coganj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cognerase firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cogoniv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cojocariul firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT collazuolg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT collinsp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT comermamontellsa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT contua firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cooka firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT coombesm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT coquereaus firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cortig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT corvom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT couturierb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cowanga firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT craikdc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT crocombea firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cruztorresm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT cunliffes firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT currier firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dambrosioc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dalsenoj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT davidpny firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT davisa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT debruynk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT decapuas firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT decianm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT demirandajm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT depaulal firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT desilvaw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT desimonep firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT deanct firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT decampd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT deckenhoffm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT delbuonol firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT deleagen firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT demmerm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT derkachd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT deschampso firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dettorif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dicantoa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dirusciof firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dijkstrah firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT donleavys firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dordeif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dorigom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dosilsuareza firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dossettd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dovbnyaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dreimanisk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dufourl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dujanyg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dupertuisf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT durantep firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dzhelyadinr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dziurdaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dzyubaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT easos firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT egedeu firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT egorychevv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT eidelmans firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT eisenhardts firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT eitschbergeru firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ekelhofr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT eklundl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT elrifaii firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT elsasserch firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT elys firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT esens firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT evanshm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT evanst firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT falabellaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT farberc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT farinellic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT farleyn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT farrys firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fayr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fergusond firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fernandezalborv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ferrarif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ferreirarodriguesf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ferroluzzim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT filippovs firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fiorem firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fiorinim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT firlejm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fitzpatrickc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fiutowskit firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fohlk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT folp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fontanam firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fontanellif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fortyr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT franciscoo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT frankm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT freic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT frosinim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT fuj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT furfaroe firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gallastorreiraa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gallid firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gallorinis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gambettas firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gandelmanm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gandinip firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gaoy firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT garciapardinasj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT garofolij firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT garraticoj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT garridol firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gascond firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gasparc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gastaldiu firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gauldr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gavardil firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gazzonig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT geracia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gerickd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gersabecke firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gersabeckm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gershont firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ghezph firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gianellea firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gianis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gibsonv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT girardog firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT giubegal firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gligorovvv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gobelc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT golubkovd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT golutvina firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gomesa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gottic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT grabalosagandaram firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gracianidiazr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT granadocardosola firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT graugese firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT graverinie firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT grazianig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT grecua firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT greeninge firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gregsons firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT griffithp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT grillol firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT grunbergo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT guib firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gushchine firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT guzyu firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT gyst firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hadavizadeht firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hadjivasiliouc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT haefelig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT haenc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hainessc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT halls firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hamiltonb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hampsont firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hanx firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hansmannmenzemers firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT harnewn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT harnewst firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT harrisonj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hej firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT headt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT heijnev firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hennessyk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT henrardp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT henryl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hernandomorataja firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vanherwijnene firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT heßm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hicheura firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hilld firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hoballahm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hombachc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hulsbergenw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT humairt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hussainn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hutchcroftd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT hyndsd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT idzikm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jacobssonr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jaegera firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jalochaj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT janse firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jawaherya firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jingf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT johnm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT johnsond firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jonescr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT joramc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jostb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT jurikn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kandybeis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kansow firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT karacsonm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT karbachtm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT karodias firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kelseym firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kenyonir firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kenziem firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ketelt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT khanjib firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT khurewathanakulc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT klavers firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT klimaszewskik firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kochebinao firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kolpinm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT komarovi firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT koopmanrf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT koppenburgp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT korolevm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kozeiham firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kravchukl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kreplink firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT krepsm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT krockerg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT krokovnyp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT krusef firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kucewiczw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kucharczykm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kudryavtsevv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kuonenak firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kurekk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT kvaratskheliyat firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lathivn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lacarrered firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT laffertyg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT laia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lambertd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lambertrw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lanfranchig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT langenbruchc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT langhansb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lathamt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lazzeronic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT legacr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vanleerdamj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT leesjp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lefevrer firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT leflata firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lefrancoisj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT leroyo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lesiakt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT leveringtonb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT liy firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT likhomanenkot firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lilesm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lindnerr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT linnc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lionettof firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT liub firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT liux firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lohd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lohns firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT longstaffi firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lopesjh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lucchesid firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT luciomartinezm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT luoh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT lupatoa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT luppie firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT luptono firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT machefertf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT maciucf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT maevo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT maguirek firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT maldes firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT malinina firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mancag firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mancinellig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT manningp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mapellia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT maratasj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT marchandjf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT marconiu firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT marinbenitoc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT marinop firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT markir firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT marksj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT martellottig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT martinm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT martinellim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT martinezsantosd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT martinezvidalf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT martinstostesd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT massafferria firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT matevr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mathada firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mathez firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT matteuzzic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT matthieuk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mauria firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT maurinb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mazurova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mccannm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mccarthyj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mcnaba firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mcnultyr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT meadowsb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT meierf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT meissnerm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT melnychukd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT merkm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT milanesda firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT minardmn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mitzelds firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT molinarodriguezj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT monteils firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT morandinm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT morawskip firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mordaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT morellomj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT moronj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT morrisab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mountainr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT muheimf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mullerj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mullerk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mullerv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT mussinim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT musterb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT naikp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nakadat firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nandakumarr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nandia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nastevai firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT needhamm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nerin firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT neuberts firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT neufeldn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT neunerm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nguyenad firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nguyentd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nguyenmauc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT niessv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nietr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nikitinn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nikodemt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT nincid firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT novoselova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ohanlondp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT oblakowskamuchaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT obraztsovv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ogilvys firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT okhrimenkoo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT oldemanr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT onderwatercjg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT osoriorodriguesb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT otaloragoicocheajm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ottoa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT owenp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT oyangurena firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT palanoa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT palombof firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT palutanm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT panmanj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT papanestisa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pappagallom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pappalardoll firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pappenheimerc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT parkesc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT passalevag firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT patelgd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT patelm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT patrignanic firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pearcea firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pellegrinoa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pensog firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pepealtarellim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT perazzinis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT perretp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pescatorel firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT petridisk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT petrolinia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT petruzzom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT picatosteolloquie firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pietrzykb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pilart firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pincid firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pistonea firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT piuccia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT playfers firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT plocasasusm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT poikelat firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT polcif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT poluektova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT polyakovi firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT polycarpoe firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT popova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT popovd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT popovicib firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT potteratc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pricee firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pricejd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT prisciandaroj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pritcharda firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT prouvec firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT pugatchv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT puignavarroa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT punzig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT qianw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT quaglianir firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rachwalb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rademackerjh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rakotomiaramananab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ramam firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rangelms firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT raniuki firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rauschmayrn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT raveng firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT redif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT reicherts firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT reidmm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT dosreisac firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ricciardis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT richardss firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rihlm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rinnertk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rivesmolinav firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT robbep firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rodriguesab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rodriguese firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rodriguezlopezja firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rodriguezperezp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT roisers firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT romanovskyv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT romerovidala firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ronaynejw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rotondom firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT rouvinetj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ruft firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ruizh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ruizvallsp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT saboridosilvajj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sagidovan firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sailp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT saittab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT salustinoguimaraesv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sanchezmayordomoc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sanmartinsedesb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT santacesariar firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT santamarinariosc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT santimariam firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT santovettie firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sartia firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT satrianoc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sattaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT saundersdm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT savrinad firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schillerm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schindlerh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schluppm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schmellingm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schmelzert firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schmidtb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schneidero firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schoppera firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schubigerm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schunemh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT schwemmerr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sciasciab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sciubbaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT semennikova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT seppi firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT serran firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT serranoj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sestinil firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT seyfertp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shapkinm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shapovali firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shcheglovy firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shearst firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shekhtmanl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shevchenkov firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT shiresa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT silvacoutinhor firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT simig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sirendim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT skidmoren firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT skillicorni firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT skwarnickit firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT smithe firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT smithe firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT smithit firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT smithj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT smithm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT snoekh firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sokoloffmd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT solerfjp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT souzad firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT souzadepaulab firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT spaanb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT spradlinp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sridharans firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stagnif firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stahlm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stahls firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT steinkampo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stenyakino firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sterpkaf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stevensons firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stoicas firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT stones firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT storacib firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT strackas firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT straticiucm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT straumannu firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sunl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT sutcliffew firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT swientekk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT swienteks firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT syropoulosv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT szczekowskim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT szczypkap firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT szumlakt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tjampenss firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tekampet firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT teklishynm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tellarinig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT teubertf firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT thomasc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT thomase firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vantilburgj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tisserandv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tobinm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT toddj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tolks firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tomassettil firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tonellid firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT toppjoergensens firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT torrn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tournefiere firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tourneurs firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT trabelsik firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tranmt firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT treschm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT trisovica firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tsaregorodtseva firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tsopelasp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT tuningn firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT uklejaa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT ustyuzhanina firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT uweru firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vaccac firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vagnoniv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT valentig firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT valliera firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vazquezgomezr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vazquezregueirop firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vazquezsierrac firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vecchis firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT velthuisjj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT veltrim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT venezianog firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vesterinenm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT viaudb firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vieirad firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vieitesdiazm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vilasiscardonax firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vollhardta firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT volyanskyyd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT voongd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vorobyeva firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT vorobyevv firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT voßc firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT devriesja firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT waldir firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wallacec firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wallacer firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT walshj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wandernoths firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wangj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT warddr firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT watsonnk firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT websdaled firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT weidena firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT whiteheadm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wiednerd firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wilkinsong firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wilkinsonm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT williamsm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT williamsmp firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT williamst firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wilsonff firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wimberleyj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wishahij firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wislickiw firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT witekm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wormserg firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wottonsa firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wrights firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT wylliek firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT xiey firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT xuz firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT yangz firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT yuj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT yuanx firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT yushchenkoo firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zangolim firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zavertyaevm firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zhangl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zhangy firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zhelezova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zhokhova firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT zhongl firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT williamsmichael firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion
AT iltenphilipj firstobservationoftopquarkproductionintheforwardregion