Summary: | The objective of this study is to motivate the ASEAN 10+5 economies to strive for greater financial reforms and liberalisation by ranking and comparing them with their regional peers. We have continued to adopt the NTU-ISEAS FRLRI framework, from the previous
studies, which comprises of four main categories to measure the economies’ respective performances.
In the 2005 ranking results, the top three countries are namely Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong respectively. Following closely behind are emerging economies – South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Chinese Taipei and Indonesia in that order. Finally, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Brunei occupy the basement rankings, which
was unchanged from 2004. Following which, the twenty percent strongest indicators for each economy are introduced to facilitate economies in monitoring the key areas that they excel in. An extension of this
study is continued in the Final Year Project “Part II: Critical Assessment of Financial Sector Reforms and Liberalization of ASEAN 10+5 Economies”, (see Hoo et al. 2007) where further investigation is conducted on weakest indicators of the respective economies.
Also, a corporate governance survey was carried out with academics from the ASEAN 10+5 economies, which was intended to address the limitation of previous studies and to add to the objectivity of our research.