Summary: | 每年大量的移民人口从中国移居到世界各地,为中国美食的传播和全球化做出了巨大的贡献。早期的海外华人所带来的离散饮食,通过改造和再发明后,成功扎根本地饮食文化。在过去的30年中,大量的来自于中国内陆的不同地区的新移民涌入新加坡,也带了中国特色的地方饮食。在新加坡的牛车水一带,新移民所开设的中餐馆如雨后春笋般越来越多。新移民中餐馆虽然帮助新移民通过品尝家乡美食来一解乡愁,但是,随着新移民餐馆的增多,却未发现融入本地饮食文化的痕迹。结果显示,新移民餐馆本身在食物和装潢上仍保留中国特色,没有主动融入的痕迹。对于本地食客来说,不喜欢新移民饮食并且不光顾新移民餐馆。种种迹象都表明现阶段,新移民饮食在本地仍不被接受。本文通过考察新加坡华人和中国新移民的观点,进一步探讨中国特色美食在新加坡的接受度以及融合的痕迹,通过分析新移民以及本地人对于离散饮食的不同的看法,找出不融合的原因。While migrating from China to other parts of the world, immigrants make a huge contribution to the spread and globalization of Chinese cuisine. The diasporic food brought by the early overseas Chinese has successfully localised through transformation and reinvention. In the past 30 years, a large number of new immigrants from different regions of China poured into Singapore. Therefore, different styles of Chinese food are brought to Singapore. In the area of Chinatown in Singapore, more and more Chinese restaurants are opened by new immigrants. Although it helped new immigrants deploy homesickness by tasting hometown food , with increasing number of new immigrant restaurants ,there are still not accepted by locals. The results show that the new immigrant restaurant not only retains it’s originated Chinese characteristics in food but also in restaurants decoration, there is no evidence of integration. On the other hand, for local customers, they neither like diasporic food nor eat in new immigrant restaurants. All these are concrete evidences to approve that diasporic food in Chinatown are not accepted and localised yet. This article examines the perspectives of Singaporean Chinese and New Chinese Immigrants, further explores the acceptance of Chinese cuisine in Singapore and the traces of integration, and analyzes the different views of new immigrants and locals on discrete diets to find out the reasons for the lack of integration .