Summary: | 黎紫书在小说《告别的年代》里以后设装置联系三层叙事,利用叙事之间的相互交叠与矛盾,混淆真实与虚构的疆界,从而对历史真实性、身份认同及作家与文本主体性三方面进行多维度的发问及思考。本文从马华文学进程看向带有后现代、后殖民色彩的创作语境之下,黎紫书如何沿袭与颠覆传统,从她关怀人性好恶与生存困顿的角度出发,通过《告别的年代》虚实互涉、多层对照的结构与内容,表现不断告别与寻找的生命本质。同时解构宏大叙事,意欲从个人化的微观角度,在破碎、渺小中重构边缘自我的主体性,以及直面马华文学乃至文化危机。In the metafiction Gao Bie De Nian Dai (An Age of Farewell) by Li Zishu, it uses the overlaps and contradiction of three distinct narratives, effectively blurring the line between reality and fiction, thereby allowing the multi-dimensional questioning and analysis between the historical accuracy, identity and lastly, the subjectivity of the author and the novel themes. This thesis focuses how, under the creative context of Malaysian Chinese Literature of the postmodernism and post-colonial, the author manages to respect and follow the lineage of tradition, yet at the same time subverting from it. From her perspective of her concern towards human nature and the hardships of survival, through interrelation, multi-layer structure and content comparison in the novel, showing the never-ending existence of a continuous life. Amid deconstructing the metanarrative, from the microscopic perspective of self-personalization, comes the reconstruction of the subjectivity of the self, as well as directly challenging the traditional notions of Malaysian Chinese Literature, even the cultural crisis that follows.