Summary: | 1953年生於新加坡的邁克,其早期創作深受現代主義影響,以一貫淺白精練的文字,在小說創作中巨細靡遺地再現性少數(男同性戀者尤其)的困境,也以凝聚的筆調及張愛玲式文法,將生活轉化成大量的散文。70年代左右,儘管新馬一帶看待性少數的風氣堪稱保守,且性少數群體因而由內而外面臨多重障礙,但邁克最初無心插柳的“同志”概念,延伸至今已是普及華人世界的同性戀用語。作為一名出櫃同志作家,相較於小說,在貼近生命經驗的散文創作,邁克對同志的刻畫則坦蕩中帶著委婉,多數陳述伴侶與情感的散文,對象多以第二人稱“你”出現,鮮少為“他”。本文探討邁克1970年於新馬文藝刊物《蕉風》發表之小說和散文,以及邁克的同志與身份認同。
The early writings of Singapore author Michael Lam (1953 - ) was largely enlightened by the concept of Modernist Literature. He represented the difficult position of sexual minorities (mostly homosexual men) in his novel writing, and also converted his daily life into large amounts of prose using condensed writing and Eileen Chang’s unique writing style. In the 70s, despite the conservative attitude towards sexual minorities in Singaporean and Malaysian society, Michael Lam’s new concept in converting the definition of “homosexual” into a new concept of “Tong Zhi (Comrade)” has now been a popular term in the Chinese-speaking community. As an author who has come out, Michael’s prose are less direct compared to his novels, especially in passages that referring to himself and his partner. His partner would most likely appear in the second person “you” instead of the third person “him”. Therefore, this thesis will be analyzing prose and novel of Michael Lam in the 70’s that was published in Chao Foon, as well as self-identification in terms of his sexual orientation and national identity.