Summary: | 精神疾患(mental disorder)是一个普遍世界的病症。精神疾患包括不同种类如:抑郁症、精神分裂、双相情感障碍、痴呆及幼儿发育期间可能发生的障碍且病因和病状都非常不同。精神疾患者其中最大的问题来源于如何融入社会。中国现当代社会对于精神疾患者的刻板印象是“无用”且是个“累赘”、“身体不受控制”(“disembodied”)、 “无法成为家庭的经济支柱”及“执行社会和文化对他作为‘人’的期望”而这些来源于中国古代主流儒家思想对于人“思想”的概念,拥有儒家提倡的思想价值观。而一个人若得了精神疾患,就会失去这些价值观,因而被视为扰乱社会,无用的人。此外,精神疾患者会给社会和家人丢失颜面,因而自古以来都没有张扬。
社会的人因此对精神疾患始终没有真正的认识。如今社交媒体发达,电影也成了其中受消费的媒体,人们因而通过电影与媒体认识精神疾患者。剧情电影作为文本,再现的精神疾患形象可能因电影效果而被夸张或扭曲,导致观众对于精神疾患者的认知有误,甚至巩固对他们的刻板印象。而若以另一个影片形式,纪实纪录片是否能更真实地再现精神疾患者的形象 ? 本文因此试图对比中国的剧情电影和纪录片探讨两者之间再现的精神疾患者的形象,方式和影片的目的的差异,同时也探讨可能给观众对于精神疾患者的观念的影响。两个形式的影片再现精神疾患者形象都有优势与不足之处。
Mental disorder is affecting many greatly around the world. Mental disorders include different types such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia and other disorders that could arise during childhood years. One of the biggest problems faced by patients with mental disorders is to be able to assimilate into the society. In contemporary China, patients with mental disorder are seen as “unproductive”, “burden”, “disembodied” and not being able to fulfil his or her roles and expectations in the society, such as supporting the family financially. This stems from the deep-seated values of Confucianism and its concept of “mind”. To be diagnosed with mental disorder means that this person would have “lost his mind”, not able to practice the values upheld by Confucianism to maintain peace and order in society. Patients would then be seen as possible disruptions to the society and not able to contribute. Besides, being diagnosed with mental illness is one thing that will bring shame to the family and society and hence patients and families usually hid them.
With almost no experience with mental illness, people in the society can only then approach films and media to acquire knowledge about them. However, being fictional films, there is a possibility that the representation of patients with mental disorder is being exaggerated on their behaviours, resulting in distortion. Besides, audiences’ may have stereotypical perceptions towards these patients and the portrayal in these movies may reaffirm them. If the form of the film is changed to documentary, being a realistic form, would it help in representing patients with mental disorders more accurately?
This paper therefore analyses the representation of patients with mental disorders in both fiction and documentary film by comparing the portrayal, the way they are represented and purpose behind the films, and also the possible impact on audiences’ perceptions of those patients after watching the film. Both documentary and fictional films have their pros and cons in helping audience to understand patients with mental disorder better.