Summary: | New magnetization plateaus and supersolid phases are identified in an extended Shastry–Sutherland model – with additional longer range interactions and exchange anisotropy – over a wide range of interaction parameters and an applied magnetic field. The model is appropriate for describing the low energy properties of some members of the rare earth tetraborides. Using a plaquette representation and exact mapping of ground state configurations in the Ising limit, supplemented by large scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations to include the effects of exchange interactions, we have identified several magnetization plateaus and associated spin supersolid phases. Our methods enable us to elucidate the underlying structure and mechanism of formation of the supersolid phases, thus gaining deeper understanding into their emergence from competing interactions. Additionally, in this regime we find evidence of a fractional plateau at 1∕9 saturation magnetization, which may hold the clue to understanding the fractional plateau in TmB4 that exhibits magnetic hysteresis.