Summary: | Throughout the history of shipping, the introduction of innovation and technologies has significantly influenced the way the ship operates. As demonstrated by the Raft Age, to the Internal Combustion Engine Age, the changes in the ship operations influence the roles that seafarers play. As we enter Industrial 4.0, the rapid advancement of digital technology together with communication technology resulted in an increase in ship autonomy, as defined by the International Maritime Organisation.
The progress towards autonomous shipping is almost inevitable. As such, this paper analyses successful test trials of higher automated ships, Yara Birkeland and Falco. Through the analysis of the suitable bridge manning level and types of fuel propulsion system used, the paper hopes to evaluate the next possible degree of ship autonomy. After which, the impacts on the roles of seafarers, as well as the opportunities and challenges that autonomy gives will be discussed.
The research will illustrate the application and operational feasibility of remotely controlled and fully autonomous ships, and how it is catalysed by the rapid adoption of digital and supporting information and communication technologies.
Will this be a ‘Killer’ or an ‘Evolution’ towards the profession of seafarers?