當代中國詩人離散詩歌研究 (1980-2020) = A study on contemporary Chinese poets and their diasporic poetry (1980-2020)

本論文緊扣離散理論中關於身分複雜的定義,用它來建立中國詩人的文化身分、語言模式與書寫策略。擬以一九八O年代後出國的詩人為研究對象,特別加強論述了在華文文學漫長的發展軌跡裡,被長期忽略的詩歌創作,為境外華文文學提供新的文類分析與視野,建構了境外詩歌史的版圖。其次,本論文揀選其詩歌具在出境前後有明顯「風格變化」的詩人, 挖掘其轉變的契機與歷程。此二點為本論文補充學術界目前詩歌研究中較被忽視的一環,也是本論文價值之所在。論文架構則依照各詩人的特質,將他們分為四大類型: 一、在「母國政治」裡思索北島(1949- )、嚴力(1954- )徘徊在國家權力符號之下,基於內省的力量於境外發諸不平之聲並且在歷史...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 盧筱雯 Lu Siao Wun
Other Authors: Yow Cheun Hoe
Format: Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
Published: Nanyang Technological University 2020
Online Access:https://hdl.handle.net/10356/138587
Summary:本論文緊扣離散理論中關於身分複雜的定義,用它來建立中國詩人的文化身分、語言模式與書寫策略。擬以一九八O年代後出國的詩人為研究對象,特別加強論述了在華文文學漫長的發展軌跡裡,被長期忽略的詩歌創作,為境外華文文學提供新的文類分析與視野,建構了境外詩歌史的版圖。其次,本論文揀選其詩歌具在出境前後有明顯「風格變化」的詩人, 挖掘其轉變的契機與歷程。此二點為本論文補充學術界目前詩歌研究中較被忽視的一環,也是本論文價值之所在。論文架構則依照各詩人的特質,將他們分為四大類型: 一、在「母國政治」裡思索北島(1949- )、嚴力(1954- )徘徊在國家權力符號之下,基於內省的力量於境外發諸不平之聲並且在歷史中尋找存在之源。二、於「創傷記憶」中討論顧城(1956-1993)、 貝嶺(1959- )與雪迪(1957- )在調整自我與詩歌的距離時,感受到心靈的爆裂、療傷與流亡狀態。 三、從「雙重語言」切入張棗(1962-2010)、田原(1965- )與哈金(1956- )悠遊於雙語之境,通過相異的寫作姿態跨越語言之界。四、立「性別之間」探究虹影(1962- )與明迪(1963- )在情感的砥礪裡反轉女性創作的邊緣性,通過詩歌實質感受「家」。此論述架構從外在事件進入內在心靈,理解中國當代詩人的離散詩歌同時具備了美學與生存的需求,建立一條從離散前往在地的書寫策略。 The thesis seeks to re-define the relationship between diaspora theories and the complex cultural identities of contemporary Chinese Poets by analysing languages and writing strategies. The main research subjects are the poets who left China after 1980s, emphasising the developments of their literary works, and to formulate a whole new perspective in overseas Chinese literature by mapping a study of cross-boundaries poetry. In addition, the thesis focuses on the aesthetic values of the poems, by reviewing the impact of foreign experiences on their poems. The two perspectives in the thesis aims to focus on the previously neglected areas in academic researches. The structure of the thesis is grouped accordingly to the traits and style of the poets, which was categorised into four main types. Firstly, the theme of politics. Poets such as Bei Dao (北島, 1949-) and Yan Li’s(嚴力, 1954-), works will be evaluated on the relationship between power and states. Secondly, based on the “Traumatic experience” and the “distance” in poems, such as Gu Cheng (顧城, 1956-1993), Bei Ling (貝嶺, 1959-) and Xue Di (雪迪, 1957-), will be examined with elaborations on the status of being exile as well as the fractures and healings of inner emotions. Thirdly, from the perspective of “language”. Poets, who travelled between borders, understands the challenges in dual languages and forms a unique writing by crossing the barriers of languages by their poems, such as Ha Jin (哈金, 1956-), Tian Yuan (田原, 1965-) and Zhang Zao (張棗, 1962-2010) will be discussed. Lastly, the final chapter on “gender” will focused on female poets such as Hong Ying (虹影, 1962-) and Ming Di (明迪, 1963-). The final chapter will analyse the marginality of the woman poets, and discuss the theme and definition of “home”. The thesis structure discusses from the outer experiences to the inner souls of the poets, the literary aesthetics and voices of survival in their diasporic poems, constructing a unique writing journey in their diasporic route.