Summary: | This thesis is a reconciliation between multiple bodies of work with a shared objective that is ``to identify the active support" under different environment settings. The applications of focus within this thesis will be placed on electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. The term ``active support" or only ``support" is commonly used in compressed sensing and sparse signal recovery communities which is essentially referring to ``the most contributing parameters" in a system of linear equations. Although with a common objective shared among the works that have been done within this thesis, this thesis can be divided into two major parts based on applications’ environment.
The first part is the support identification under a process expressible by Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. For this problem, a research topic that is known as ``Electrical impedance tomography (EIT)," is chosen as a representative application for a collection of problems expressible by this integral equation. The physical laws (Physics) of EIT can be explained by Maxwell's equations under quasi-static environment. Under such condition, the energy dissipated from the source is spread throughout the region (domain) in a non-linear fashion. Together with the absent of phase or time delay information, the image reconstruction task for EIT usually faces the issue of low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and support ambiguity. Multiple real-life applications typically fall under this category of problems such as medical and geophysical subsurface imaging, deconvolution, and image deblurring.
The EIT is an imaging technique that estimates a distribution of electrical admittivity $\gamma$ of a ``subject under test (SUT)" sometimes called as ``medium" based on an inference from data captured from the medium's boundary. Although the name would suggests the value of `impedance' to be measured, in most practical scenario its reciprocal which is `admittance' (admittivity value) is commonly calculated instead. The admittivity value $\gamma$ encapsulates the information of medium's conductivity ($\sigma$) and permittivity ($\epsilon$) with the following expression $\gamma = \sigma + i\omega\epsilon$, where $\omega=2\pi f$ is the angular frequency (rad/s) and $f$ is frequency in Hz. The ``tomographic reconstruction" or ``the process of estimating the medium's internal admittivity distribution" can be accomplished by solving a mathematical problem that is commonly known as an ``inverse problem." Due to a quasi-static nature of this imaging modality, the image reconstruction of the EIT is known to be one of the most severely ill-posed inverse problems. The image reconstruction problem of EIT will be analyzed through two different viewpoints. Firstly, this problem will be analyzed through the lens of a discrete ill-posed inverse problem from the applied mathematics community viewpoint. Secondly, this problem will be re-analyzed through the lens of array signal processing/beamforming framework from the signal processing community viewpoint. While exploring the EIT image reconstruction techniques, it was observed that although the EIT system can be implemented economically, the implementation process is not completely straightforward. Therefore, a framework of a simple and reliable EIT prototyping system that could provide means to collect different data format (e.g. single measurement vector (SMV) and multiple measurement vectors (MMV)) were implemented in this thesis. This robust, economical, and straightforward implementation framework was developed with an aim that it could be beneficial for those who are interested in image reconstruction and inverse algorithms without the access of a full functioning commercialized EIT system.
The second part is the support identification for DOA estimation under Gaussian and $\alpha-$stable distributed noises. Several improvements of a robust beamforming technique called MUSIC-like algorithm had been further investigated which helps improve the algorithm's performance. The main focus of this part is the performance improvement of the algorithm that can be used for support identification task under different noise scenarios. Three different approaches for estimating a relaxation parameter, an essential parameter used in the MUSIC-like algorithm, are presented. By experimenting with different approaches, an adaptive framework for relaxation parameter was observed to have the potential for further improvement. The performance of the MUSIC-like algorithm was then further explored through the directional adaptive framework under both Gaussian and $\alpha-$stable distributed noise. It was also compared with the conventional MUSIC algorithm coupled with a pre-conditioned covariance matrix.