Summary: | In this project, a responsive web application is proposed and developed to assist students in transiting to university and reducing the overwhelming information found on the internet. The application will provide essential information that is needed to assist the students when they first enter the university. Throughout the academic year, students can continue to use the application which also provides other types of functions. The topic of transitioning into university has always been an issue discussed by many universities across the world. By achieving this responsive web application, it reduces the time needed for students to spend online searching for relevant information or missing out on important dates. Besides that, it will also help those students that are feeling uneasy when approaching professors face to face to have an alter platform to look for help. Nevertheless, to achieve this application, it requires research and gathers useful feedback and suggestion from the current junior and senior to come out with the most suitable solution. The development process of the website would require several steps before it can be launch. This includes gathering relevant information, sitemap and wireframe, design layout, development, gathering review, and testing, and lastly to launch. After going through this process, the application supports features such as information of study areas, private and group chat, seniors’ notes, searching for relevant course coordinator for the academic year, etc.