Summary: | Rectifiers are used to converter AC voltage to DC voltage and this voltage then divided into specific voltage by discrete components like such as zener diode and a resistor, or transistors and even op-amps which are very easy methods to divide voltage, but they have a disadvantage of power loss across resistors which decrease the efficiency of a circuit or converter. To achieve maximum efficiency and decrease power loss liner voltage regulators are used to obtain specific voltage which are much more efficient and easier to use then a more complex circuitry these liner voltage regulators are in a single three pin IC (Like 7805, 7812, 7815) which are small in size and more efficient than a voltage divider or any other circuitry, there is a wide range of these three terminal fixed voltage regulators available each with its own built-in voltage regulation and current limiting circuits, there are even variable voltage linear regulators available as well providing an output voltage which is continually variable from just above zero to a few volts below its maximum voltage output but they have also a disadvantage of their maximum continuous output current rating is limited to just a few amperes, so generally used in applications where low power outputs are required. When higher output voltage or current power supplies are required, the normal practice is to use a switching regulator commonly known as a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS). SMPS management for PC power supply is presented below, which includes the study of SMPS, high output power supply, power electronic converters (Buck, Boost, BuckBoost, Flyback, Cuk), selection of power converters, followed by setting up models of sub-system (such as battery, supercapacitor and power converter) and evaluating the overall system in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Main three phase from line is used as the input source, which will be connected to a rectifier to convert AC voltage to DC voltage, the efficiency of the of SMPS is evaluated by different method by using passive filter, active filter and a simulation is also designed without any filter and their results are compared.