Summary: | Unusual and efficient self-photoredox reactions were reported for some benzophenone (BPs) and anthraquinone derivatives (AQs) in aqueous solutions in which the carbonyl undergoes reduction to its alcohol and a side chain alcohol group undergoes oxidation to its carbonyl.[1-4] To better understand the photoredox reaction mechanisms of these types of BPs and AQs in aqueous solutions, we have used several time-resolved spectroscopy methods such as femtosecond transient absorption (fs-TA), nanosecond transient absorption (ns-TA) and nanosecond time-resolved resonance Raman (ns-TR3) to directly observe and characterize the intermediates and transient species after they are produced in the photoredox reactions of interest.[5-8] In this talk, we summarize our results of the time-resolved spectroscopic observations to learn more about the water-assisted photoredox reactions of selected BPs and AQs that we investigated.