Summary: | Southeast Asia is home to the Orang Laut. Orang Laut literally translates to sea
people. Some research has been done on the various groups of Orang Laut and the
languages they speak. However, there are several known groups of Orang Laut
whose languages are undocumented. The Orang Seletar is one such group. This
paper addresses this gap through fieldwork on the Orang Seletar's language. The
Orang Seletar language is also known as Bahasa Orang Seletar. Orang Seletar
language consultants provided three sets language data. Data includes a 210-word
basic austronesian Swadesh list, sentences elicited from a man and tree picture
stimuli set, and a short conversation between two Orang Seletar. Bahasa Orang
Seletar has a large sound system of 36 phones comprising 17 consonant phones and
19 vowel phones. The basic syllable structure is (C)(C)V(C). Bahasa Orang Seletar
language is a relative Isolating-Monocategorical-Associational language. Association
of the constituents present and context are important for meaning-making in this
language. Hence, a pragmatics approach was used to describe the morphology and
syntax of Bahasa Orang Seletar. Further research is necessary to better understand
Bahasa Orang Seletar's language system.