Summary: | In this project, we set up a test bed for photonic integrated circuits. The system can be
used to measure several primary properties of photonic integrated circuit, such as I-V, L-I,
optical spectrum, optical gain or loss and polarization dependence. The system can
provide the electric bias for three channels simultaneously, e.g. suitable for the testing of
integrated circuits. And we set up a polarized photoluminescence (PPL) test system for
analyzing the mechanism of Argon ICP-enhanced QWI for fabricating the integrated
optoelectronics devices.
The cap material and doping effect was investigated for the Argon ICP-enhance QWI
in InGaAs(P)/InP quantum well structure by the PPL test system. The InP cap is better
than the InGaAs cap as more point defects can be accumulated in the cap layer, which
promote the QWI by enhance the diffusion lengths of group V and group III sublattices.
And the Zn highly doped p-InP is superior to the n- and i-InP with both high diffusion
lengths of group V and group III sublattices during interdiffusion.