Summary: | Metamaterials, a kind of artificially structured materials with exotic optical properties, offer a route to manipulate electromagnetic waves in an unprecedented way. One of the most well-known applications of metamaterials is the design of invisibility cloaks, where judiciously designed metamaterial structures can guide electromagnetic waves smoothly around a certain region, rendering any object placed inside this region invisible to outside detector. Although there are several experimental demonstrations of metamaterial cloaks at microwave and optical frequencies, these cloaks normally work for a single polarization. Besides, the angle of incident illumination is generally quite limited. To tackle these challenges, in this project, the student will be guided to design broadband metamaterials with weak magnetic response and then use this kind of metamaterials to realise experimentally a cloaking device which can hide objects for unpolarised light (ie for both TE and TM detections) with a wide range of illumination.