Summary: | 穿梭于新加坡的大街小巷,不难察觉到其城市的街头壁画日渐增多,并逐渐成为了城市公共空间必不可少的一道风景。作为一种公共艺术形式,街头壁画在政府主导的空间规划和管理下得以迅速发展,吸引人们驻足欣赏与拍照留念,甚至因街头壁画所带来的视觉冲击而激发与生成记忆。有关新加坡街头壁画的话题不断衍生,并开启了对于新加坡街头壁画在城市公共空间的重要讨论,进而扩展了新加坡街头壁画的作用及其所隐含的意义与价值。
Walking through the streets of Singapore, an increasing number of street murals have been gradually realized in public areas. Today, street murals have become an indispensable landscape in urban public spaces. Under the careful planning by the relevant government institutions, the arts scene in Singapore has grown steadily over the past decades. The value of street murals as a visual communication tool has drawn massive public attention, deepening peoples’ interest for the arts as they grab their cameras to document the spectacular street murals of Singapore. Singapore’s street murals in urban public spaces continue to be a topic of discussion as they play an increasingly important role in society. With the aid of the public space theory, this paper seeks to explore the relationship between public space and street murals, highlighting the way street murals have contributed to the livability of the city, thereby calling for a wider social engagement and participation in public spaces through street murals.