Summary: | 距离零翻译概念首次被提出已经超过了20年,全球化和语言欧化等社会及语言现象使零翻译的使用越来越普及。新加坡人日常生活中普遍使用的新式英语(Singlish) 当中也不难发现零翻译以及语码转换的痕迹。 本文梳理了零翻译理论的脉络,确定了绝对和相对零翻译的定义以及勾勒出零翻译整体的范畴。再透过可译性的理论、等效和省力原则论证了零翻译作为翻译策略存在的必要性。接着,深入新加坡的翻译现状并以新加坡政府相关词汇译名网站 (Government Terms Translated) 的零翻译词条为例,探讨零翻译的实践模式与可行性。 此外,本研究运用多元系统理论来理解全球化背景下,零翻译、跨文化交际、语言翻译伦理和经济效益等务实考量之间的关系。为此,本研究将提出大量实例以论证其中观点。简而言之,本研究采用了跨学科的视角来剖析零翻译的理论发展及其在新加坡语境中的实践和影响。
It has been more than 20 years since the term "zero translation" was first introduced. Since then, certain social and linguistic phenomena such as the globalization and Europeanization of languages have popularised the use of zero translation. Zero translation and code-switching are prevalent in Singlish, the language most commonly spoken in everyday Singaporean life.
This paper analyses the development of zero translation theory, defines absolute and relative zero translation, and outlines zero translation in its entirety. Through the lens of translatability and equivalence theory as well as the labor-saving principle, this paper argues that zero translation qualifies as part of translation strategy. Subsequently, it examines the status quo of translation in Singapore and analyses the zero-translation entries in Singapore's official translation database (Government Terms Translated) to explore the practicability and feasibility of zero-translation in this context.
In addition, this study employs polysystem theory to understand the relationships between zero translation, intercultural communication, language translation ethics and economic expedience against the backdrop of globalization. In doing so, this study will present a myriad of examples to illustrate these relationships. In short, this study uses an interdisciplinary perspective to dissect the theoretical development of zero translation and its practice and influence in the Singaporean context.