Summary: | In this dissertation, CNTs based memory devices in particularly using CNTs as the electrode for RRAM have been studied. First, the metal electrode RRAM was focused. To have a better understanding of RRAM working mechanism and performance, metal electrode RRAM devices were fabricated and analyzed. Several metal oxides were used as the resistive switching material to achieve a better memory performance. Next, CNTs based RRAM devices were fabricated. Random network CNTs and aligned CNTs were synthesized to fabricate random network CNTs electrode RRAM and aligned CNTs electrode RRAM devices. The electrical characterization was performed to analyze the device performance. Lastly, a bi-layer resistive switching memory using aligned CNTs electrodes were developed. The devices showed several key advantages over the metal electrode RRAM devices where the devices established a forming-free process and low reset current down to 10nA. Furthermore, the devices exhibited lesser variation in term of the operating voltages.