要約: | To improve the operation efficiency and reduce the emission of a solar power integrated hybrid ferry with shore-to-ship (S2S) power supply, a two-stage multi-objective optimal operation scheduling method is proposed. It aims to optimize the two conflicting objectives, operation cost (fuel cost of diesel generators (DGs), carbon dioxide (CO₂) emission tax and S2S power exchange) and energy storage (ES/ESS) degradation cost, based on the preference of the vessel operator and solar photovoltaic (PV) power output. For the day-ahead optimization, interval forecast data of the PV is used to map the solution space of the objectives with different sets of weight assignment. The solution space from the day-ahead optimization is used as a guide to determine the operating point of the hour-ahead optimization. As for the hour-ahead scheduling, more accurate short-lead time forecast data is used for the optimal operation scheduling. A detailed case study is carried out and the result indicates the operation flexibility improvement of the hybrid vessel. The case study also provides more in-depth information on the dispatching scheme and it is especially important if there are conflicting objectives in the optimization model.