Summary: | Engineering has been regarded as the most male-dominated position in the USA and even in Singapore. The culture that the Engineering field has established has to be masculine, manly, and male-centred. Since women place more emphasis on their personal lives and families, being an engineer is not for them (Hatmaker, 2013). When women participate in emotional and social work, women engineer’s work efforts will disappear when they do not align with cultural norms (Fletcher, 1999). For example, in the fields of computer science and engineering, women are greatly underrepresented (CS&E, Ehrlinger, Ashby Plant, Hartwig, Vossen, Columb, Brewer, 2018).
As of 2019, according to NTU’s (Nanyang Technological University) facts and figures, women still only represented one third of the Engineering cohort, Computer Science and Engineer in particular (Undergraduate Population by Gender AY2018-19 table by Nanyang Technological University). There needs to be a shift in perspective. Obviously, the required change of mentality must begin before they start choosing their courses in Polytechnics and even in University, such approach needs to be introduced in Primary and Secondary Schools. One way to support this kind of technical and heavy learning would be considering deploying digital games. According to research, this is what has been suggested to tailor the needs of society of the twenty-first century: entertainment titles that involves technical learning and practicality (Richard Sanford, 2014).