Summary: | This report focuses on developing an Interactive E-learning Environment to aid EEE students to memorize faster. This project showcases the implementation of both hardware components and software development to improve the efficiency of “Meaningful learning” leading to the improvement of the rate of memorization.
With the assistance of Spyder, a python integrated development environment, both the software and hardware have been integrated together. The whole system is made to complement the existing Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) implemented in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) where users can access functions that are currently not being implemented. With the widespread of topics available, “Logical Circuits and Combinations” from EE2004 Digital Circuits has been chosen to show the effectiveness of the tools created. By utilizing both the hardware and software, users will be able to build physical-digital logic circuits at their own time with minimal knowledge of handling digital circuits. Users are also allowed to question the Artificial Intelligence in the event where doubts are formed throughout the learning process.