Summary: | Lifelong learning plan came and last for many countries in the last few years in the
world . Much of the lifelong learning plan experience has been either inefficient or
drifting in and out of policy discussions unnoticed. Yet, in 2015, Singapore launched a
new policy initiative known as SkillsFuture, which brought lifelong learning back into
mainstream policy. Accordingly , the Nanyang Technological University ( NTU is going
to expand its lifelong learning initiative as well. A fully online platform for lifelong
learner s will be a meaningful movement to provide all people in Singapore many
opportunities to accumulate and develop their fullest potential throughout life An
objective of this report is to develop a user friendly platform considered for usability,
robustness , compatibility, scalability, and fast evolving functions . This project showed
that Microservices with Spring framework are seen as the architecture style for scalable ,
stable, and reliable. The self dev eloped video uploading function s with reliability and
role authority management in administration interface improved user experience