Sammanfattning: | This paper reviews antenna theory and parameter calculations. Yagi-Uda antennas
will be reviewed in order to gain understanding of its operation. However, A
microstrip patch antenna at an operating frequency of 2.4GHz and various other
parameters was input into sonnet software to produce a design.
The Main Scope of this Project will be the design and simulation of a QuasiYagi
antenna operating at 28GHz band that will be designed using the Ansoft HFSS
software, which simulates high frequency electromagnetic fields. The substrate,
groundplane, microstrip line, excitation are some important factors to consider
inorder to attain the desired frequency and magnitude. The antenna is made of FR4
substrate and a copper ground plane. A coax feed design with its inner conductor
connected to microstrip line end is fitted into this antenna design. This paper also
shows results like S11 parameters, 2D Radiation Pattern and 3D polar plot. The main
aim would be to get the best possible radiation pattern, gain and S11 parameters to
ensure maximum efficiency.
Analysis of the quasi-Yagi antenna with respect to the length of the director, distance
between director and driver, distance between the coupled microstrip lines, length of
the driver and distance from the driver to the reflector, are done and multiple
optimisations will be conducted to attain the best fit for the required conditions of an
efficient antenna. For example, a gain of more than 3, and a magnitude of less than