Summary: | The Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme is an evolvement from the Brakerski-
Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) scheme. It is an asynchronous encryption scheme
with the power to compute over encrypted data without knowing the secret key which
is used for decryption. It is also a cryptosystem that allows arbitrary computation on
In traditional synchronous encryption scheme interfaces, it is extremely easy for the
secret key to be stolen and also easy for ciphertexts to be decrypted due to the fact
that encryption and decryption employs the same secret key on plaintexts and
ciphertext. Additionally, computations on data can only be executed upon decryption.
Therefore, there is a demand for a asynchronous encryption scheme to encrypt user
input data.
This project aims to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which would in turn
allow end-users to encrypt their data using both traditional Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme. Data owners
would also be able to notice some evident differences between the mentioned
Next, this project would be made accessible for users to extract secret key, public key
and ciphertext generated from the Graphical User Interface and proceed on to decrypt
them using appropriate schemes.
Lastly, after the encryption and decryption process, end-users would also be able to
identify the most ideal parameters to be used on their data using the FHE scheme that
would be based on the encryption performance shown on the GUI.