Spinning dreams

"Spinning Dreams" is a 2D animated short film created by Li Xuan Wei, Loh Kee, and Leong Bei Yi. Set in ancient China, it tells the story of a young boy who struggles between his dream of joining the circus as an acrobat and his duty to his family business. “Spinning Dreams” aims to touch...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Loh, Kee
Other Authors: Hans-Martin Rall
Format: Final Year Project (FYP)
Published: Nanyang Technological University 2021
Online Access:https://hdl.handle.net/10356/149665
Summary:"Spinning Dreams" is a 2D animated short film created by Li Xuan Wei, Loh Kee, and Leong Bei Yi. Set in ancient China, it tells the story of a young boy who struggles between his dream of joining the circus as an acrobat and his duty to his family business. “Spinning Dreams” aims to touch the hearts of people who have experienced a similar journey. The project combines both Chinese and Western aspects into its animation to create a unique story that appeals to a wider audience. This report focuses on the process of the project from its storyboarding stage to its final look.