Summary: | The Chinese character 悟 WU means “awaken”. This character is composed of two parts “吾” and “忄” which means “my” and “heart”. Chinese characters are pictographic. Thus, it can be deduced that a person is awakened when he or she is able to understand their heart. Zhuangzi’s discerning ideology gave me significant change of how I understand the relationship between my inner self and external society. The project 悟 · Know my heart transforms Zhuangzi’s unrestrained, carefree, and imaginative teachings into imageries that demonstrate his ethereal yet insightful philosophy. I believe that photography metaphysically associates with philosophy. The world hustles and bustles for profit and fame. The stair-like sculpture mirrors the different classes in a capitalistic society. The monochromatic room suppresses our color perception. However, a torchlight counters that, to signal hopes of enlightening light that illuminates our heart in a hustling and bustling world so that we can reserve the absolute freedom for our inner self.