Summary: | 本论文是为了探讨新加坡街戏文化里的歌仔戏。新加坡华人所指的“福建戏”,就是台湾的歌仔戏、中国的芗剧。新加坡街戏可说是南洋文化的代表,街戏本身融合了宗教文化、武术文化、中华历史、纯朴的音乐、缤纷灿烂的地方及民族特点。19 世纪初,中国移民来到南洋之后,各方言群带来了他们的地方戏曲。当时华族方言群聚集地的界限分明,代表不同剧种的戏班多在相同语系的方言群所属范围内的庙宇和神坛进行酬神演出。1930 年左右,来自台湾的歌仔戏班在新加坡的演出备受好评,甚至风靡新马一带,于是歌仔戏渐成为本地戏曲发展的一股主流。歌仔戏走入 20世纪以后,随着社会形态的不断演进,“讲华语运动”、双语教育的落实,造成新一代的华人不会听、不会讲方言,当然也就难以进一步的欣赏歌仔戏。华人的价值观念、消费理念在高度发展的环境中不断的发生变化,更让打着传统牌的歌仔戏受到重重考验。有鉴于街戏的式微意味着传统文化流失的隐忧,于是文化工作者致力于重振歌仔戏,提高华人的文化意识,让街戏的生命得以延续下去。本论文将阐释街戏的今昔变化以及目前所面对的困境。接着,探讨年轻一代如何看待与自身文化相关的传统街戏。最后,分析传统街戏的未来走向。Hokkien opera is one of the most influential art forms in Singapore. This regional genre originated from Taiwan and flourished in Fujian. Hokkien opera appeared 100 years ago in Singapore. In the past, when the Chinese community was divided according to dialect groups, Hokkien opera used to be the most popular form of entertainment among all Chinese dialect groups here. This thesis discusses the historical and the current development of Hokkien opera in Singapore, and how the younger generation identity themselves with their cultural heritage. The thesis also analyses the rise and fall of Hokkien opera in the country, and discusses issues relating to the decline of Hokkien opera.