Summary: | 近年来,一些学者对于受益者句式做了分析与研究,但对于汉语里的受益者标记的研究却不够完整。一般上“受益者标记”(Benefactive markers) 指的是在语法表现中,用来表示“获益”或“受益”对象的标志。在现有的研究里,许多学者重点讨论予格、使役、被动 (dative-causative-passive)三者的关系, 而缺少对受益者标记的探讨。因此,本文将尝试利用受益概念为汉语中的受益者标记分类,并针对汉语方言中受益者标记的来源作出解释。John Newman (1996) 与 Masayoshi Shibatani (1996, 1999) 虽对汉语包括方言的受益者标记进行描写与分析,但却只局限于给予类动词所发展而来的语素“给”。然而,我们以李荣主编的《现代汉语方言词典》和李如龙、张双庆的《介词》等方言材料为基础,通过对汉语方言中受益者标记的整理与归纳,不难发现,有别于北京话的“给”,一些南方方言如闽语、粤语中的受益者标记却是从伴随标记发展而来的介词“同”与“共”等。In recent years, there have been studies and research on Benefactive constructions. However, there is still much room for Chinese Benefactive markers which we can look further into. Benefactive markers in general refer to the grammatical marking of the affectee who benefits as a result of an event in a sentence construction. In existing studies, much focus has been out upon the relationship between Dative markers, Causative markers and Passive markers. Thus, this paper aims to take a closer look at Chinese Benefactive markers, the other functions of the Benefactive markers in various Chinese dialects, and their sources of origin.