Summary: | 双语教学是新加坡教育体制的一大优势。因此华语文教学便成了其基本的一环。如果要通过华文课灌输传统价值观及提升学生的华语文程度以加强他们的竞争力,那华文课的范围就超过了单纯教导语文的课程,而其所能带来的利益也让这个语文教学变得更为重要。教育部于2004年通过了一系列与华文教学相关的新政策。其中,一些被视为会降低华文水平与华文的重要性的政策引起了两极化的反应。来自英文背景及华文成绩较逊色的学生对此表示欢迎;接受华文教育的人士则提出诸多批评,认为这是政府向英文群体妥协的表示。实际上,这些新政策中也有以强化学生语文水平为目标的课程。本论文将从这个切入点着手,通过于2005年推出的中华通识课程及双文化课程,看教育部与政府在这方面的努力。本论文将对两个课程进行比较,再结合华文教学的发展以及法国社会学家皮埃尔•布迪厄的文化资本概念,看两个课程的意义及其影响。本论文从学校提供与公布的资料、教育部通过的教学政策及媒体报道等管道,来研究这个课题并总结出了两个课程作为新华文教学体制下的先锋,其反映了华文教学未来发展的最新走向。课程所培养的学生在国家未来的发展中也将扮演关键的桥梁角色.Bilingual education has been an advantage of Singapore’s education system, making Chinese Language teaching an essential component of the system. Furthermore, if imparting of traditional values and improving of language skills are required to enhance the competitiveness of the students, the scope of Chinese Language teaching would exceed pure teaching of the language, and the benefits that this language teaching can bring in would enhance its importance. Ministry of Education passed a series of new education policies involving Chinese teaching in 2004. Amongst which, some policies viewed as degrading the standard and importance of Chinese Language in Singapore sparked off extreme views. English community and students who perform badly in Chinese language welcomed the new policies. However, Chinese-educated viewed the new policies as the Government giving in to the English-educated group. Thus, they were discontented with the new steps. In actual fact, there were also new policies aimed at improving the Chinese standards of students passed in 2004. This paper will discuss on this aspect of Chinese teaching through Chinese Studies Programme and Bicultural Studies Programme introduced in 2005. This paper will first compare the two courses, and then integrate the findings with the development of Chinese teaching in Singapore and sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s Cultural capital concept, to look at the significance and impact of the two courses. This paper discusses the topic using materials collected through various channels like information released by schools, education reports passed by the Ministry of Education and media news. It is found that the two courses, as the pioneers of the new era of Chinese teaching, reflect the latest trend of Chinese teaching in Singapore. The students groomed by these courses will play a pivotal bridging role in the future development of this country.