Summary: | In this case study, we attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of Nanyang MBA Course Registration System. This is to provide a better understanding of the existing situation as well as to identify any areas to improve on. Other than using historical data from past six trimesters, primary data was also collected from the current batch of students through a survey questionnaire.
Three factors are examined to evaluate its effectiveness, namely the online course registration process, the academic schedule planned for all courses and the level of administrative support. Each factor was broken down into smaller areas of assessment. From the data analysis, there is a need for a more reliable and objective online course registration process, as well as a better planned academic schedule to allocate the limited resources efficiently. Level of administration support was found to be satisfactory. In summary, the Nanyang MBA Course Registration System is found to be ineffective.
The root of problem lies with the inability to forecast the demand of each course accurately. Hence, our main recommendation is the introduction of a “proxy” round, which may be able to predict demand more accurately, thus increasing the effectiveness of the current system.