Summary: | Since the use of Industry 4.0 has become active from the Year 2011, it has resulted into the machines evolvement to run with minimal need for humans to supervise and able to fulfil customised and adjustable requirements according to consumers demands. The aim of this Final Year Project (FYP) is to apply and implement Industry 4.0 in construction industry, which is Construction 4.0, by using the mock up crane found in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Visualization Room for remote controlling for demonstration and further improvement, through the use of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT allows any device to be controlled anywhere in the world so long as there is an active internet connection from the controller to the device. Hence in this project, RemoteXY application would be used to control the mock up crane remotely through the RemoteXY server, and experiments would be carried out to find out if there were any tangible speed difference for the movement of the hoist, trolley, and the jib rotation when the controller was used in the NTU CAE Visualization Room versus somewhere faraway from NTU.