译言与易文:晚清驻英日记的中西文化翻译 = Translating as rewriting : cultural translation of Chinese envoy diaries in late imperial China

清廷驻英公使是中国首批实地考察西方政教的群体,他们编制的考察日记为后世史学家研究晚清西学东渐的一手文献。鲜为学界周知的是,这些原用于外务参考的日记在当时非完全保密,日记付梓后旋获各地西文报刊译评。本研究将利用英国国家档案馆等处保存的史料,考辨晚清首任正使郭嵩焘(1818-1891)的《使西纪程》(1877)、副使刘锡鸿(生年不详-1891?)的《英轺日记》(1877)与继任公使曾纪泽(1839-1890)的《曾侯日记》(1882) 在中外的出版、翻译与传播。 论文以文化翻译为理论视野,检视日记刊译、译者身份与翻译动机等史实,从而探究清廷公使、在华传教士、英国外交部译员及报社编辑等译者群体不为...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 李佳奇 Li, Jiaqi
Other Authors: Kwan Sze Pui Uganda
Format: Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
Published: Nanyang Technological University 2021
Online Access:https://hdl.handle.net/10356/152742
Summary:清廷驻英公使是中国首批实地考察西方政教的群体,他们编制的考察日记为后世史学家研究晚清西学东渐的一手文献。鲜为学界周知的是,这些原用于外务参考的日记在当时非完全保密,日记付梓后旋获各地西文报刊译评。本研究将利用英国国家档案馆等处保存的史料,考辨晚清首任正使郭嵩焘(1818-1891)的《使西纪程》(1877)、副使刘锡鸿(生年不详-1891?)的《英轺日记》(1877)与继任公使曾纪泽(1839-1890)的《曾侯日记》(1882) 在中外的出版、翻译与传播。 论文以文化翻译为理论视野,检视日记刊译、译者身份与翻译动机等史实,从而探究清廷公使、在华传教士、英国外交部译员及报社编辑等译者群体不为人知的改写策略。此外,研究将追踪公使日记在英文世界的译介轨迹,剖析译本在英国、澳大利亚、美国等地报刊引起的诸种争论,以审察西方世界如何借由日记译评来生产中国知识。本研究将突破学界从西学东渐视野来考察驻英公使日记的单一范式,揭示晚清公使日记在十九世纪中西文化交流中极具争议性的中介地位。The Qing Empire (1644-1911) ordered its overseas diplomats to gather reliable foreign knowledge from 1876 onwards. The diplomatic diaries were thus made for the Qing court as internal reference, but their abridged translations later appeared in Western presses. Consulting British Foreign Office records and Western newspaper archives, this study focuses on the translation and dissemination of the diaries of the first three Chinese envoys to the United Kingdom, i.e., Guo Songtao's (1818-1891) Shixi jicheng (1877), Liu Xihong's (DOB unknown) Yingyao riji (1878) and Zeng Jize's (1839-1890) Zenghou riji (1882). Existing scholarship which scrutinizes the envoy diaries only, invariably regards them as part of a historical trend to imbibe the modern scientific and political knowledge from the West. However, by examining both Chinese originals and foreign translations of these diaries, my project argues that the envoy diaries were also a powerful medium for Sino-Western cultural exchanges in the late nineteenth century. Drawing on the insights of cultural translation, this research reveals the ideological rewritings of the diaries by various translator groups, including Chinese envoys, British diplomatic officers, Protestant missionaries, and newspaper commentators. By analyzing several debates over the diaries arising from the presses, it proceeds to show how the translated or rewritten Chinese culture was adopted in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, among others.