Summary: | 2019 年,中国武汉出现了第一起 COVID-19 病例,而 COVID-19 疫情迅速地扩散到了全球各国,导致世界各地出现了严重的反华情绪,海外华人也遭受歧视与暴力。实际上,这种反华情绪不是史无前例的。历史上,流行性疾病的爆发往往会煽动人们的仇外心理,使人们将疾病归咎于社会中的“他者”,并引发仇恨事件,而 COVID-19疫情中的反华情绪就是其中一个例子。在 19-20 世纪,天花、第三次鼠疫大流行也曾经在西方国家引发了反华情绪。然而,这两个时期的反华情绪是有所不同的,因为从19 世纪-21 世纪,中国可说是经历了巨大的改变,这种改变也影响了华人与中国的形象。所以,COVID-19 疫情中的反华情绪可说是经历了一个演变过程。本文将通过阐述历史上的各种流行性疾病以分析反华情绪的来源。本文也将从中国历史的角度分析COVID-19 疫情中的反华情绪是如何从 19 至 20 世纪的反华情绪进行演变。In 2019, the first COVID-19 case was reported in Wuhan, China, and the disease quickly spread to other countries around the world, resulting in severe anti-Chinese sentiment, discrimination and violence against the Chinese living overseas. In fact, such anti-China sentiment is not unprecedented. Historically, disease outbreaks have stoked xenophobia, and caused the blaming of diseases on the "other" in society, thus sparking hate incidents, and the anti-Chinese sentiment in the COVID-19 pandemic is one such example. In the 19th-20th century, the outbreak of smallpox and the third plague pandemic also sparked anti-Chinese sentiment in western countries. However, the anti-Chinese sentiment in these two periods is different, because from the 19th century to the 21st century, China has undergone great changes, and this has also affected the image of the Chinese and China. Therefore, anti-Chinese sentiment in the COVID-19 pandemic has gone through an evolutionary process from the 19th century. This paper will analyze the origin of anti-Chinese sentiment by looking at various epidemic diseases throughout history. This paper will also analyze how anti-Chinese sentiment in the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved from the anti-Chinese sentiment in the 19th-20th century from the perspective of Chinese history.