Summary: | With the rapid growth of information technology, analyzing sports
data shows a growing trend. Hundreds of millions of sports data
are generated each day from millions of schools, various events,
and communities.
These data can provide valuable information and insight that can
help a variety of sports organizations in a range of areas such as:
Helping Teams Win, Driving Customer Engagement, Benefiting
The Broader Ecosystem, Improving Back-Office Intelligence, and
Expanding Partnerships. In fact, The market for sports analytics is
expected to reach almost $4 billion by 2022 .
There are some sports however that are rarely analyzed due to a
variety of reasons such as insufficient data collection. Billiards is
one of the said sports that is not analyzed adequately.
The objectives of this project then are to collect Billiard data,
visualize the data and analyze it through an existing machine
learning model.