Resumo: | 我们总能看到他人以“爱国华侨”、“爱国爱乡”形容海外华人,学术界对于海外华人与中国的联系研究也常常以爱国情怀、民族情感作为固有概念进行分析。 这样的固有概念是因为学界在看待海外华人时一直站在国家集体视角,如此视角下,海外华人的一切都与中国息息相关。他们将永远是中国不可分割的一部分,对祖国保持着不灭的情感,而这样的先入为主的情感标签也意味着论述的僵化与研究视角的单一化。倘若研究视角单一,海外华人的所有行为都将被感情标签统一覆盖,那么他们身上除了中国以外的影响力,包括他们的个人特质以及来自殖民地的影响等研究内容都将被掩埋。
关键词:海外华人; 海外华人研究;爱国华人;研究视角;黄奕住
Articles using terms such as "patriotic overseas Chinese" and "patriotic and hometown loving" are often used to describe the overseas Chinese. This is also prevalent in academia where researchers often use patriotic feelings and national sentiments as a pretext for discussing concept involving overseas Chinese in their analysis.
Such emotional discourse has become a commonly used label amongst researchers. The reason for such discourse is largely due to the use of the "collective perspective of the state” in these discussions. Under this perspective, everything about the overseas Chinese is then closely related to China, and they will always be seen to be within the collective of Chinese nationals, whom have maintained an inextinguishable affection for their motherland. However, such an emotional label implies the singularity of the research perspective. If the research continues with a singular perspective, future discourse would group all the behaviors of overseas Chinese under the same emotional labels. As such, other influential or motivational factors apart from china will not be discovered.
Therefore, this paper aims to use Oei Tjoe as a case study to expose the deficiencies of the concept patriotism. At the same time, it uses the opportunity to encourage the study of overseas Chinese to shift towards multiple varying perspectives. For example, to add the personal perspective from the overseas Chinese on top of the state’s collective. With more diverse perspectives, the history of the overseas Chinese could be better and more objectively discussed.
Keywords: Overseas Chinese, Studies of Overseas Chinese, Patriotism, Research perspective, Oei Tjoe