Summary: | 本文对各类文献材料进行查阅后,发现清末民初时期普遍存在海外华人热爱中国的论述。这些材料所展现出的海外华人形象已深刻影响了学术界对海外华人的描绘,即认为所有海外华人对中国所做的一切都出于爱国使然,这种单一的爱国者形象便成为了当下的主流观点。对此,本文承认关怀祖国、表现爱国之热诚的海外华人的确存在,但相较于海外华人在移民所在地的真实情况和多元化的经历,却展现出海外华人被主流声音所掩盖的另一面貌——并非所有海外华人都爱国。造成海外华人被同质化为爱国者形象的原因可分为两点,一是学术界往往将关注视角固定于某一部分海外华人社群,将他们与中国的联系以及对中国做出贡献所表露出自豪的言与行,作为爱国者形象的证据。二是坚持以中国为中心的观点来描绘和理解海外华人,视所有海外华人与原乡中国有着血浓于水般的情谊。再加上中国诸多学术和报道不断地渲染,统一、单一的爱国者形象成为了海外华人的“共有的特质”。This paper examines the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, finding that various literary works and folk records described the overseas Chinese as being patriotic towards China. The image of the overseas Chinese displayed by these records has had a profound influence on the academic societies researching overseas Chinese. The mainstream view of the overseas Chinese was that everything they did was out of patriotism. In this regard, this research paper acknowledges that overseas Chinese who care about the motherland and express their patriotism through contributions do indeed exist. However, compared with the actual situation along with the diverse backgrounds of overseas Chinese in the places where they immigrated, shows an alternative perspective of overseas Chinese. These views are often neglected due to the prevalence of mainstream voices. Therefore, this paper seeks to show that not all overseas Chinese are patriotic.The reasons for cultural homogenisation of overseas Chinese as patriots can be divided into two points. One is that academic circles often focused on a certain part of the overseas Chinese group and their contributions towards China as patriotism and used them wholly as evidence applicable to all overseas Chinese. Secondly, the view on the overseas Chinese are often seen through the lenses of China, as overseas Chinese were seen as inescapable from their Chinese roots. Furthermore,as China continues to develop academically, the quantity of the research papers and media originating from China has had a strong influence on the current mainstream view.