Summary: | The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Final Year Project, under the supervision of Nikki Draper.
Derail Productions is a collective comprising four final-year students, Ang
Guangzheng, Darren Tan, Wang Junjie and Zhang Zhengyong, all from the Electronic
Broadcast division of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information,
Nanyang Technological University. The Funeral is a dramatic short focusing on the
life of a typical Singaporean family, drawing particular attention to the emotional connection between family members of different religious beliefs. The film explores how values and relationships are threatened when family members believes in
conflicting faiths.
This report details the production process from conceptualisation through the
final stages of editing for The Funeral. This report also explains some of the creative and practical choices that went into the short, such as scripting, casting and the use of some unconventional techniques.