Sammanfattning: | The interplay of topology and superconductivity has become a subject of
intense research in condensed matter physics for the pursuit of topologically
non-trivial forms of superconducting pairing. An intrinsically
normal-conducting material can inherit superconductivity via electrical contact
to a parent superconductor via the proximity effect, usually understood as
Andreev reflection at the interface between the distinct electronic structures
of two separate conductors. However, at high interface transparency, strong
coupling inevitably leads to changes in the band structure, locally, owing to
hybridization of electronic states. Here, we investigate such strongly
proximity-coupled heterostructures of monolayer 1T'-WTe$_2$, grown on NbSe$_2$
by van-der-Waals epitaxy. The superconducting local density of states (LDOS),
resolved in scanning tunneling spectroscopy down to 500~mK, reflects a hybrid
electronic structure, well-described by a multi-band framework based on the
McMillan equations which captures the multi-band superconductivity inherent to
the NbSe$_2$ substrate and that induced by proximity in WTe$_2$,
self-consistently. Our material-specific tight-binding model captures the
hybridized heterostructure quantitatively, and confirms that strong inter-layer
hopping gives rise to a semi-metallic density of states in the 2D WTe$_2$ bulk,
even for nominally band-insulating crystals. The model further accurately
predicts the measured order parameter $\Delta \simeq 0.6$~meV induced in the
WTe$_2$ monolayer bulk, stable beyond a 2~T magnetic field. We believe that our
detailed multi-band analysis of the hybrid electronic structure provides a
useful tool for sensitive spatial mapping of induced order parameters in
proximitized atomically thin topological materials.