Summary: | Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been constantly featured in research and studies over the past
decade. It is persistently on the rise with new technology and algorithms discovered every day.
However, many institutes are not properly equipped with adaptable educational tools for the
teaching of AI. With past research proving the importance of active learning, institutes should
be constantly advancing with the latest technology to improve their teaching resources.
This project dives into the study of using games as a base for an AI visualization software that
can be extended into an educational tool for institutes. Developed on the Unity Engine using
a Pac-Man game as a base, this project aims to be fully adaptable to a multitude of different
algorithms, even ones that are yet to be discovered. Current AI implementations include but
are not limited to the Finite State Machine (FSM), the Behaviour Tree model (BT) as well as
the Utility-based AI algorithm.