सारांश: | LOL.SG is a light-hearted documentary that explores the comedy scene and the concept of the cultural identity in Singapore. Indeed, previous studies (Critchley, 2002) have revealed that humor is the cultural mirror of a society. LOL.SG exposes the social fabric of Singaporean culture by looking at the business of doing local comedy, by interviewing the key industry players: the stand-up comedians, actors, television producer and even the owner of a comedy club in Singapore. The project looked at the problems in the areas of stage and television comedy, and drew a strong link between the current situation here to Singaporean culture.
The documentary offers a rather interesting conclusion that Singaporean humour is still alive and kicking with even more room for further development, with an eye to encourage more Singaporeans to laugh at themselves. LOL.SG also explores the idea of Singapore’s cultural identity by looking at the seemingly insipid local comedy scene and its problems, and linking them to the traits of the society, which undoubtedly contributed to shaping the Singaporean sense of humour to be what it is today.