Summary: | The project consists of an Introduction, Literature Review regarding Additive Manufacturing and Fused Modelling Deposition, Methods and Materials, Results, Analysis and Discussion of mechanical characteristics of 3D printed resins composites.
With comprehensive research and results provided for carbon fibre reinforced polymers, mechanical studies related to Onyx were limited as it is relatively new. Therefore, the aim of the project is to evaluate the mechanical properties of 3D printed resins composite, namely the carbon fibre reinforced Onyx.
In this project, a total of 30 specimens were tested. For the tensile test, six specimens were evaluated, three for 0°and the remaining three for +45°/-45°. This provides an average tabulated results for both strength and modulus of elasticity which provides a better accuracy before proceeding to the fatigue test. In the fatigue test, 24 specimens were tested to obtain failure cycles for each orientation at different load percentages, before plotting the stress cycle curve of the Onyx composite.