Summary: | It was estimated that 17.9 million people died in the year 2019 due to cardiovascular diseases. The main
cause of it came from people suffering from coronary artery disease, where their coronary arteries
became narrower until blood could not reach the vital organs and the heart, eventually killing them.
However, there are ways to prevent this from happening. Early detection of coronary artery disease and
treatments like coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass graft can repair the coronary artery of
a patient, who is suffering from coronary artery disease.
Early detection is one of the key importance to figure out if a patient is suffering from coronary artery
disease. With the advancement of medical equipment and knowledge, there are various ways to detect
coronary artery disease, these are exercise electrocardiography, stress echocardiography, radionuclide
myocardial perfusion imaging, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography coronary
angiography and many other more. Out of all these methods, computed tomography coronary
angiography is considered the best method to detect coronary artery disease in a person. However, there
are times when a doctor will need to perform an FFR analysis on the patient as the image from the
computed tomography coronary angiography might not be enough.
In this FFR analysis two pressure catheter will be inserted into the patient’s coronary artery to measure
the FFR between stenosis, if the value is below 0.8, it means that the stenosis is a huge threat to the
patient. However, not all patients are able to undergo this analysis as it could be risky and dangerous
for their health.
This project aims to predict the FFR in a human coronary artery without the need for any invasive
procedure. With the use of three 3D-printed silicon coronary artery, customise measuring tool to
measure the diameters of the 3D-printed silicon coronary artery and an in-vitro set up to calculate the
FFR. The data acquired will be use as a foundation to predict the FFR in a human coronary artery.